Eight weeks after

tooth extraction, implants were inserte

Eight weeks after

tooth extraction, implants were inserted, and the sites were augmented in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions using a mineralized collagen bone substitute and a nonresorbable titanium-reinforced Nutlin-3 price membrane. Six months later, small hard tissue biopsy specimens were harvested from the buccal bone walls at approximately mid-height of the original defect. The histologies revealed ongoing bone formation. Clinically, an adequate amount of hard and soft tissue volume had formed. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2011; 31: 613-620.)”
“Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a model in oncology The outcome was dismal 40 years ago but is now generally excellent, owing to the recent advent of new drugs These advances were made possible by the creation of specialized

units, better supportive care (transfusions, antibiotics and pain control) and intense biological and clinical research coordinated by national and international cooperative groups, allowing the use of available drugs to be optimized. The current aims are to de-escalate treatment for better-defined low-risk groups, and to develop the use of new check details drugs and targeted therapies for high-risk groups, based on genome-wide analysis of the patient and the leukemic cell”
“Objective: To assess the effects of expressive writing on health care utilization, clinical variables and subjective quality of life following first myocardial infarction (MI). Methods: One-hundred and seventynine first MI patients were randomized to Intervention (N = 88) or Control (N = 91) groups. The intervention group wrote about their thoughts and feelings in relation to having had an MI. Controls wrote

in a neutral way about daily activities. The main outcome measures were health care utilization, physical status and subjective quality of life (QOL), assessed after one, two, and five months. Results: One-hundred and fifty-six (87%) completed the study. Five months post-intervention, the intervention group had significantly fewer recorded medical appointments compared to controls. The number of prescribed medicines decreased over time within the intervention group but increased within the control group. The intervention AZD7762 group attended significantly more rehabilitation sessions, reported fewer cardiac related symptoms and had lower diastolic blood pressure five months post-intervention. There was no significant group by time interaction on reported physical health. The group by time interaction on reported mental health approached significance, those in the intervention group reporting greater improvement. Conclusion: Expressive writing may be a beneficial strategy which could be incorporated into rehabilitation interventions to help individuals adjust after first MI.”
“Hepatic fibrosis staging is based on semiquantitative scores. Digital imaging analysis (DIA) appears more accurate because fibrosis is quantified in a continuous scale.

In contrast to sunflower seed oil, topical treatment with olive o

In contrast to sunflower seed oil, topical treatment with olive oil significantly damages the skin barrier, and therefore has the potential to promote the development of, and exacerbate existing, atopic dermatitis. The use of olive oil for the treatment of dry skin and infant massage should therefore be discouraged. These findings challenge the unfounded belief that all natural oils are beneficial for the skin and highlight the need for further research.”
“The enzyme EndoS from Streptococcus pyogenes is an immunomodulatory molecule hydrolyzing the conserved glycans in the effector part of immunoglobulin G (IgG). EndoS is remarkably specific for IgG, and hydrolysis has profound effects on IgG effector

functions. EndoS pretreatment of IgG, or direct administration to animals with experimental antibody-mediated autoimmune diseases, inhibits development of disease or cures animals from established disease. The properties of EndoS make it a unique experimental tool check details and an attractive alternative to current therapies of conditions involving pathogenic antibodies. This review describes the discovery of EndoS, the effects of EndoS on IgG effector functions in vitro and in vivo, the biotechnological Rabusertib price potential of EndoS, and the outcomes of EndoS treatment in animal models of autoimmunity.”
“The new Mg- and F-dominant lamprophyllite-group mineral lileyite (IMA 2011-021) was found at the

Lohley quarry, Udersdorf, near Daun, Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany, and named click here for the old name of the type locality, Liley. Associated minerals are nepheline,

leucite, augite, magnetite, fluorapatite, perovskite, gotzenite. Lileyite is brown, translucent; streak is white. It forms platy crystals up to 0.1 x 0.3 x 0.5 mm in size and their clusters up to 1 mm across on the walls of cavities in an alkaline basalt. Lileyite is brittle, with Mohs hardness of 3-4 and perfect cleavage on (001). D-calc is 3.776 g/cm(3). The new mineral is biaxial (+), alpha = 1.718(5), beta = 1.735(5), gamma = 1.755(5), 2V (meas.) = 75(15)degrees, 2V (calc.) = 86 degrees. The IR spectrum is given. The chemical composition is (EDS-mode electron microprobe, mean of 5 analyses, wt%): SiO2 28.05, BaO 26.39, TiO2 18.53, Na2O 6.75, MgO 4.58, FeO 4.48, CaO 2.30, SrO 2.23, MnO 1.44, K2O 1.41, Nb2O5 0.95, F 3.88, -O=F-2 -1.63; total 99.36. The empirical formula based on 18 anions is: Ba1.50Sr0.19K0.26Na1.89Ca0.36Mn0.18Mg0.99Fe0.54Ti2.01Nb0.06Si4.06O16.23F1.77. The simplified formula is: Ba-2(Na,Fe,Ca)(3)MgTi2(Si2O7)(2)O2F2. The crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data (R = 0.024). Lileyite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, a = 19.905(1), b = 7.098(1), c = 5.405(1) angstrom, beta = 96.349(5)degrees, V = 758.93(6) angstrom(3), Z = 2. The strongest lines of the powder diffraction pattern [d, angstrom (I, %) (hkl)] are: 3.749 (45) (31-1), 3.464 (76) (510, 311, 401), 3.

The stations with a significant decreasing

The stations with a significant decreasing 3-MA order trend in annual runoff mainly are located in the west of the Wei River primarily interfered by human activities. Regression analysis indicates that human activity was possibly the main cause of the decline of runoff after 1970. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc.”
“We report an electrochemically assisted jump-to-contact

scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) break junction approach to create reproducible and well-defined single-molecule spintronic junctions. The STM break junction is equipped with an external magnetic field either parallel Or perpendicular to the electron transport direction. The conductance of Fe-terephthalic acid (TPA)-Fe single-molecule junctions is measured and a giant single-molecule tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance www.selleckchem.com/products/apr-246-prima-1met.html (T-AMR) up to 53% is observed at room temperature. Theoretical calculations based on first-principles quantum simulations show that the observed AMR of Fe-TPA-Fe junctions

originates from electronic coupling at the TPA Fe interfaces modified by the magnetic orientation of the Fe electrodes with respect to the direction of Current flow. The present study highlights new opportunities for obtaining detailed understanding of mechanisms of charge and spin transport in molecular junctions and the role of interfaces in determining the MR of single-molecule junctions.”
“Objective: To evaluate the systemic bioavailability of a new controlled release cyclobenzaprine tablet, and the influence of a high fat meal on its bioavailabillty. Subjects, materials and methods: PND-1186 24 and 12 healthy male subjects were recruited for the bioavailability and influence of diet studies, respectively. Experimental design for both studies was an open randomized, 2-period, single dose, crossover study. In the bioavailability study, each subject received in different occasions, a single oral dose of cyclobenzaprine of immediate (10 mg) or controlled release (20 mg)

tablet, followed by a 2-week washout period. In the influence of diet study, the volunteers received the controlled-release tablet concomitantly with a high fat meal or in a state of fasting. Results: In the bioavailability study, plasma cyclobenzaprine profiles were in agreement with a controlled release system. This formulation presented a 92.8% of relative bioavailability (IC 85.5 – 105%) and a significant reduction in C(max) (IC 58 – 65.5%), when compared with equal dose of the immediate release tablet. The presence of food increased AUC (11.6%) and C(max) (48%). For both parameters the calculated 90% confidence interval was not in the bioequivalence interval, 97.4 – 125.8% for AUC and 111.7 – 184.2% for C(max).

The meeting was run concurrently with the “Plant Innate Immunity”

The meeting was run concurrently with the “Plant Innate Immunity” symposium organized by Jonathan Jones and Jane Glazebrook. In this

report, we summarize the progress in plant hormones and signaling.”
“Organisms living under aerobic conditions need oxygen for the metabolic conversion of nutrition into energy. With the appearance of increasingly complex animals, a specialized transport system (erythrocytes) arose during evolution to provide oxygen to virtually every single cell in the body. Moreover, in case of low environmental partial pressure of oxygen, the number of erythrocytes automatically increases to preserve sustained oxygen delivery. This process relies predominantly on the cytokine erythropoietin (Epo) and its transcription

factor hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), whereas the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) ubiquitin ligase as well as the oxygen-sensitive prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) represent Selleck 3 MA essential regulators of this oxygen-sensing system. Deregulation of particular members of this pathway (eg, PHD2, HIF2a, VHL) lead to disorders in blood homeostasis as a result of insufficient (anemia) or excessive (erythrocytosis) red blood APR-246 order cell production.”
“The action of many extracellular guidance cues on axon pathfinding requires Ca2+ influx at the growth cone (Hong et al., 2000; Nishiyama et al., 2003; Henley and Poo, 2004), but how activation of guidance cue receptors leads to opening of plasmalemmal ion channels remains largely unknown. Analogous to the chemotaxis of amoeboid cells (Parent et buy PND-1186 al., 1998; Servant et al., 2000), we found that a gradient

of chemoattractant triggered rapid asymmetric PI(3,4,5)P-3 accumulation at the growth cone’s leading edge, as detected by the translocation of a GFP-tagged binding domain of Akt in Xenopus laevis spinal neurons. Growth cone chemoattraction required PI(3,4,5)P-3 production and Akt activation, and genetic perturbation of polarized Akt activity disrupted axon pathfinding in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, patch-clamp recording from growth cones revealed that exogenous PI(3,4,5)P-3 rapidly activated TRP (transient receptor potential) channels, and asymmetrically applied PI(3,4,5)P-3 was sufficient to induce chemoattractive growth cone turning in a manner that required downstream Ca2+ signaling. Thus, asymmetric PI(3,4,5)P-3 elevation and Akt activation are early events in growth cone chemotaxis that link receptor activation to TRP channel opening and Ca2+ signaling. Altogether, our findings reveal that PI(3,4,5)P-3 elevation polarizes to the growth cone’s leading edge and can serve as an early regulator during chemotactic guidance.”
“Background: Changes in donor plasma albumin (Alb)and bilirubin (Tbili) are common following right hepatectomy for liver transplantation.

PhT-3 was also found to mediate antiproliferative effects on huma

PhT-3 was also found to mediate antiproliferative effects on human prostate cancer cell lines.”
“The dynamics of the fatty-acid (FA) composition of neutral acylglycerols (NAGs) composed of 1,2,3-triacyl-sn-glycerols (TAGs)

and 3-acetyl-1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerols (acDAGs) was determined in the fruit seeds and arils of three Euonymus L. species at three stages of their maturity. The NAG GSK461364 concentration composition comprised 29 FAs, linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and alpha-linolenic acids being predominant. Noticeable amounts of other FAs, such as lauric, myristic, hexadec-9-enoic, stearic, (Z)-vaccenic, and arachidic acid, etc., could also be present. In the course of maturation, the qualitative composition of major FAs remained nearly unchanged, while the selleck unsaturation index of FAs in seeds and in TAGs, as well as, but to a lesser extent, in arils and in acDAGs, respectively, always decreased. This decline was brought about by a sharp fall of the alpha-linolenate level, a decrease of the linoleate content,

and a corresponding rise in the oleate content. It is suggested that, in both seeds and arils, both classes of NAGs were formed at the expense of the same FA pool; the quantitative composition of this pool was characteristic of a given fruit part and strongly changed during maturation. The accumulation of TAGs in E. europaeus fruits was accompanied by a conversion of hexadec-9-enoic acid into (Z)-vaccenic acid via the C-2-elongation reaction.”
“BackgroundInfiximab has been shown to be highly effective in phase III clinical trials,

but limited information is available regarding drug survival and maintenance of efficacy beyond 1year in real-life clinical AS1842856 setting. ObjectivesTo analyse the efficacy and safety of infliximab in a large number of patients with a long follow-up and to identify clinical factors associated with long-term drug survival. MethodsA retrospective review of patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis treated with infliximab from March 2004 to August 2012 at a tertiary dermatology centre was carried out. ResultsIn total, 63 treatment courses with infliximab were administered to 56 patients. The mean duration of treatment was 31.6months. The only significant positive predictor of drug survival was combination treatment [hazard ratio (HR) vs. monotherapy 2.90, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.42-5.92]. Significant negative predictors of drug survival were obesity (HR 0.40, 95% CI 0.19-0.87) and infusion reactions (HR 0.40, 95% CI 0.19-0.87). Infusion reactions occurred in 13 (23%) of our patients and were a reason for discontinuation of treatment in 5.

The serum peptide map model was validated using an independent sa

The serum peptide map model was validated using an independent sample set including 15 healthy volunteers, 15 precancerous and 15 GC patients. Results The spectral peaks for the peptides with mass-to-charge (m/z) values of 1741 and 4210 selleck screening library were the most significantly different among the three groups. The sensitivity of this diagnostic model for detecting healthy controls, patients with gastric precancerous lesions and patients with GC was 80.0% (12/15), 66.7% (10/15) and 66.7% (10/15)

respectively, while the specificity was 66.7% (20/30), 73.3% (22/30) and 73.3% (22/30), respectively. Conclusion Our diagnostic model is useful for diagnosing gastric precancerous lesions and GC.”
“The one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA) assay is a molecular procedure that can identify click here deposits of breast cancer (BC) cells in the sentinel lymph node (SLN). We examined the consistency of the OSNA assay with a classic hematoxylin-eosin (H&E)-based immunohistochemistry

(IHC) study and evaluated how OSNA-based axillary staging might impact the therapeutic management of BC patients. SLN biopsy results were considered to be positive in 60 patients (40%) in the OSNA group (N=148) and in 43 (28%) patients in the IHC cohort (N=153, p=0.023). There was no difference in the macrometastasis (22% for OSNA, 15% for H&E, p = 0.139) or micrometastasis (19% for OSNA, 13% for H&E, p = 0.166) rates, but we found statistically significant differences in the number of isolated tumor cells (1% for OSNA, 11% for H&E, p,

0.001). There were no differences in the administration rate of adjuvant systemic therapy between the OSNA (66% in the SLN+ patients) and the H&E (74% in the SLN+ patients) groups (p = 0.159). The OSNA assay allows for the detection of SLN metastases more precisely than conventional pathologic methods but does not alter the therapeutic management of SLN+ BC patients.”
“This article presents hourly data from four tide gauge CBL0137 ic50 locations in the Chilika lagoon vis-a-vis satellite data, to study the tidal influences on the geometrical changes in the lagoon. The satellite-derived highest area and perimeter are 864.76 km(2) and 1512 km respectively, consistent with the field-observed occurrences of the low and high tides. The geometrical changes of 5.4% (44.36 km(2)) in area, and 24.8% (300.83 km) in the perimeter, in one month duration, solely because of the tides are considerable changes. High radiometric resolution of the sensor provided improved delineation of land-water boundary of the lagoon shores.”
“Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) induces megakaryocytic differentiation of the human chronic myelocytic leukemia cell line K562. We examined the potential regulatory role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in this process. Genome-wide expression profiling identified 21 miRNAs (miRs) that were induced by the treatment of K562 cells with PMA.

We report a novel approach to monitor nucleocytoplasmic transport

We report a novel approach to monitor nucleocytoplasmic transport processes in vivo by combining short TetR inducing peptide tags (TIP) with a TetR-controlled reporter gene in a human cell line. The technology is exemplified by demonstrating nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the glucocorticoid receptor and activity

of two further TIP fusions to cancer-related proteins. ZD1839 in vitro The technology presented provides the basis for efficient screening systems to isolate compounds altering the nucleocytoplasmic distribution of a protein of interest. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Shuttle-like Fe(2)O(3) nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by microwave-assisted synthesis and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The NPs were immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode and then covered with dsDNA. The resulting electrode gives a pair of well-defined redox peaks for Pb(II) at pH 6.0, with anodic and cathodic peak potentials occurring at -0.50 V and -0.75 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), respectively. The amperometric response to Pb(II) is linear in the range from 0.12 to 40 nM, and the detection limit is 0.1 nM at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. The sensor exhibits high selectivity

and reproducibility.”
“Four azo dyes showing learn more high nonlinear optical properties were prepared based on a 4-chlorothiazole azo moiety functionalized with strong acceptor groups and/or further donor/acceptor groups along the conjugated backbone The effects of the acceptors as well as the lateral donor/acceptor groups upon absorption properties thermal stability and second order nonlinear optical activity were evaluated (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved”
“This paper presents a hierarchical animation method for transferring facial expressions extracted from a performance video to different facial sketches. Without any expression example LY2606368 obtained from target faces, our approach can transfer expressions

by motion retargetting to facial sketches. However, in practical applications, the image noise in each frame will reduce the feature extraction accuracy from source faces. And the shape difference between source and target faces will influence the animation quality for representing expressions. To solve these difficulties, we propose a robust neighbor-expression transfer (NET) model, which aims at modeling the spatial relations among sparse facial features. By learning expression behaviors from neighbor face examples, the NET model can reconstruct facial expressions from noisy signals. Based on the NET model, we present a hierarchical method to animate facial sketches. The motion vectors on the source face are adjusted from coarse to fine on the target face. Accordingly, the animation results are generated to replicate source expressions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively and robustly transfer expressions by noisy animation signals. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

The result

The result Apoptosis inhibitor of hemagglutinating activity inhibition assays with several carbohydrates showed the most potent inhibitor was maltose. A natural lectin

from the crude homogenates of freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica was purified by single step affinity chromatography using amylose-coupled agarose. The purified protein appeared as one band with a molecular mass of 350 kDa in PAGE, and as one band, approximately 56 kDa, in SDS-PAGE. The purified lectin showed dependence on calcium. The activity of the purified lectin was inhibited at temperatures greater than 50 degrees C and showed a pH optimum between 5-8. The purified lectin also has binding activity to the Gram-negative bacteria E. coli, and the Gram-positive bacteria B. subtilis. Furthermore, the purified lectin obtained from injured and bacteria-induced planarians showed increased agglutinating activity against rabbit erythrocytes. These results suggest that the purified lectin may play an important role in the innate immunity of the freshwater planarian.”
“Objective. Napabucasin price – To analyze the epidemiology, injury mechanisms and therapeutic aspects of urological complications of fractures

of the pelvic girdle.\n\nPatients and methods. – Retrospective study including 22 cases of urological complications of pelvic fractures analyzed between 2003 and 2010 at the University hospital, Brazzaville. Tile classification modified AO was used to understand the mechanisms underlying urological complications. The variables studied were: frequency, age, sex, origin, etiology, type of pelvic fracture, type of urological complications, clinical urological

lesions, the therapeutic delay, the therapeutic method, the long-term prognosis.\n\nResults. – In total, 22 cases (11.40%) of urological complications were collected on 193 pelvic fractures. Men dominated the series with a sex ratio of 4.5, the average age was 33.8 years RSL3 chemical structure (12 to 64). Street accidents were the leading cause with 13 cases (59.09%). The urethra was the most affected in 16 cases (72.73%), the membranous portion in 10 cases (45.45%), the bladder in six cases (27.27%). Type A fractures were complicated four bladder lesions, types B, 12 urological lesions (1 bladder and urethra 11) and six type C lesions (1 bladder and urethra 5). Bone lesions were supported functionally in 18 cases (81.82%). Urethral injuries in men were repaired remotely by anastomotic urethroplasty. Urethral injury in females has been repaired urgently delayed. The bladder lesions were repaired by emergency laparotomy and suture of the breach, or urethral catheterization. In monitoring, seven patients had urological sequelae: erectile dysfunction in one case and urethral stenosis in six cases, they have been treated by dilatation (4 cases) and endoscopic internal urethrotomy (2 cases).\n\nConclusion.

The temporal course of the confusion as well as the association w

The temporal course of the confusion as well as the association with visual and other aura symptoms suggest cortical spreading depression as the underlying pathophysiology.”
“Cardiovascular diseases are a selleck major cause of human morbidity and mortality, posing a high socioeconomic burden on the health sector worldwide. microRNAs (miRNAs) constitute a new class of unique molecular regulators involved in the pathophysiology of a wide range of disorders.

Studies in the past decade have identified miRNA signatures of various cardiovascular disorders and successfully validated miRNA-based therapeutic options in various small and a few large experimental cardiovascular disease models. In these models, researchers manipulate the expression of miRNAs and downstream signaling cascades, aiming to prevent and

cure cardiovascular disease. Here, we review and discuss the recent reports on the in vivo use of miRNA animal models and miRNA therapeutic see more development as well as provide an outlook for clinical applications in the near future.”
“Background and Purpose A recent meta-analysis showed that women with acute ischemic stroke are less likely to receive treatment with intravenous alteplase than men. The aim of this study was to assess sex differences in treatment with intravenous alteplase and to explore the reasons for these differences. Methods We analyzed data from the Promoting Acute Thrombolysis for Ischaemic Stroke (PRACTISE) study. We applied a multiple logistic regression model and expressed the association between

sex and treatment with an age-adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval. Results In total, 5515 patients were included in PRACTISE. Women were an average of 4 years older than men. The median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 6 in women and 5 in men. Fewer women were treated with intravenous alteplase (11% versus 14%; adjusted odds ratio, 0.8; 95% confidence interval, 0.7-1.0). However, fewer women arrived within 4 hours after onset (27% versus 33%; adjusted odds ratio, 0.8; 95% confidence interval, 0.7-0.9). Conclusions Fewer women present themselves within 4 hours from stroke onset than men and consequently less often receive find more thrombolytic treatment. This difference may be caused by the older age of women on average and consequently women more often living alone.”
“Background: Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among HIV-infected patients. Sofosbuvir is a first-in-class HCV NS5B inhibitor with potent pangenotypic antiviral activity. We report a 2-part study that assessed the efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir in HCV/HIV-coinfected patients. Part A examined potential drug interactions between sofosbuvir and antiretrovirals (efavirenz, emtricitabine, tenofovir, zidovudine, lamivudine, atazanavir, ritonavir, darunavir, and raltegravir).

No statistical significance could be detected between the CT

\n\nNo statistical significance could be detected between the CT and the GT-HCP method (p = 0.853). Eleven patients

had very good results (a parts per thousand currency sign5A degrees), three had good results (6-10A degrees) and one had poor results (> 10A degrees). The mean difference between click here CT and GT-HCP method was 3.7 +/- A 3.3A degrees, which is acceptable. The radiation dose needed for the method was not large (0.2 +/- A 0.1 min), and could be lowered with the gaining experience of the examiners. Similarly, the overall time needed (12.1 +/- A 4.9 min) for the GT-HCP method could be reduced with the experience of the team.\n\nOur study showed that the GT-HCP method is a precise and not particularly time consuming method for controlling anteversion during closed femoral nailing. Further clinical trials including a larger number of patients are required to establish this method in clinical practice.”
“Quaternary carbon stereocenters are found in a broad range of organic compounds, including important bioactive natural products and medicinal agents. Given their ubiquity and the

significant synthetic challenges they present, quaternary carbon stereocenters have long attracted great interest from synthetic organic chemists. Numerous efforts selleck products have been devoted to their construction, leading to a spectrum of strategies for creating stereogenic quaternary carbon centers. In this context, the semipinacol rearrangement has proven successful. In this extension of the this website pinacol rearrangement, the 1,2-carbon-to-carbon migration in a 1, 2-diol has been expanded to include leaving groups other than the hydroxyl group.\n\nOver the past decade, our laboratory has explored the semipinacol rearrangement

strategy for the stereoselective construction of quaternary carbon stereocenters. We have investigated various substrates, including 2,3-epoxy alcohols (also termed a-hydroxy epoxides), 2,3-aziridino alcohols, and allylic alcohols. Several promoters that effect the semipinacol rearrangement have been identified, including Lewis acids based on Al, Sm, B, Zn, and Ti for the rearrangement of a-hydroxy epoxides and 2,3-aziridino alcohols; cationic halogen species for the rearrangement of allylic alcohols; and cinchona alkaloids and chiral phosphoric acid for the asymmetric semipinacol rearrangement.