Each sample was loaded on a 14 plate 454 Pico Titer Plate. The 8 dpp sample was sequenced previously. Contig assembly and gene annotation Contigs were assembled by the MSU RTSF Bioinformatics Group. Reads were processed through The Institute for Genomic Research SeqClean pipeline to trim re sidual sequences from the cDNA preparation, poly tails and other low quality or low complexity regions. Trimmed sequences were assembled into contigs using the TIGR Gene Indices Clustering Tools. Stringent clustering and alignment parameters were used to limit the size of clusters for assembly. Contigs from the first pass of assembly were then combined and subjected to a second assembly pass with CAP3. Less stringent alignment parameters were used for this pass to allow for minor sequencing errors or allelic differences in the cDNA sequence.
Read data for 8 day post pollination samples is available from the Sequence Read Archive, access ible through NCBI BioProject ID PRJNA79541. Read data for 0, 4, 12 and 16 dpp samples in SRA as well as assembled contig sequences deposited as Transcriptome Shotgun Assemblies and expression profiling data in the Gene Expression Omnibus are available through selleck inhibitor NCBI BioProject ID PRJNA169904. To estimate relative expression, the number of reads ori ginating from each cDNA library were counted for each contig and reported relative to the total number of reads generated for that library as transcripts per thousand. The final contigs were subjected to BLASTX search against the green plant subdivision of the NCBI nr protein database andor the Arabidopsis protein databases to search for similarity to previously identified genes and assign possible gene functions.
BLASTN ana lysis was performed for highly expressed contigs for which homologs were not identified by BLASTX searches. Transcriptome analysis The Classification SuperViewer Tool wBootstrap web database was used for GO categorization, determin ation discover more here of normalized frequencies relative to Arabidopsis, and calculation of bootstrap standard deviations, and P values. Princomp procedure SAS 9. 1 was used for principal component analysis. The first two principal components, which explain nearly 90% of the total variation were extracted from the covariance matrix. To examine relative gene expression at each age, the portion of reads for that transcript relative to total reads for the transcript, was calculated for each transcript with 30 reads, for each age. Expression profiles were clus tered by K means method using Cluster 3. 0 software. qRT PCR Total RNA was isolated and assessed for quality and quantity as above.