The 3D QSAR pharmacophore model known as Hypogen was generated ba

The 3D QSAR pharmacophore model known as Hypogen was generated based on 23 IKKb inhibitors, whose activity data ranges from 3 nM IC50 50000 nM. Detailed information about research only the pharmacophore can be found elsewhere. The training set compounds were broadly classified into four groups, those with an activity range 100 nM were classified as highly active, an activity range between 100 nM to 1 uM were defined as active, compounds with an activity range of 1 uM to 10 uM were defined as moderately active, and, the compounds having an IC50 value 10 uM were classified as inactive. The same grouping strategy was applied to the test set compounds also. Excluding the training set compounds, the remaining compounds were used as an internal test set to measure the efficiency of the pharmacophore model, no outliers were removed to achieve unrealistic higher correlation values.

These compounds also covered a wide range of activity of 4 nM IC50 50000 nM. For every training set compound, all possible confor mers were enumerated and a spreadsheet was prepared with the corresponding activity data and conformers. Additional specifications were made to select desired features, such as hydrogen bond donors, hydrogen bond acceptors, hydrophobes and aromatic rings. The spread sheet was input to the Catalyst program and in a rea sonable time frame, 10 hypotheses were generated. The best pharmacophore model was selected based on high est correlation, lowest RMSD and the most significant cost values. Decision tree generation The RP method of the Cerius2 program was used to generate a decision tree.

RP is a classification structure activity relation method that enables rapid clas sification of large databases, is non parametric and captures nonlinear relationships automatically per formed based on the Classification and Regression Trees algorithm. The working principle behind the RP is assembling a set of descriptors, converting them into a data object to reflect the presence or absence of useful features, assembling the data objects into vectors and then into a matrix. Finally, the matrix is divided into two daughter sets, based on the presence absence of certain useful features. The process is repeated until each member of the matrix has been designated to a terminal node based on the presence absence of specified features.

The RP model is found to be sensitive to the descriptors used, and diversity of the data sets can radically change the property of the deci sion tree. The method is applicable to structurally unique compounds with activity data to uncover sub structural rules that govern the biological activity. The RP classification tree is often Carfilzomib of great interest to visualize the distribution of potencies at the node and to see how a split at a node divides the potencies at two daughter nodes.

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