The result ing assembly contained a total of 24,444 unigenes with an average length of 776. 7 bp, among which 11,653 were contigs with an average length of 972 bp and 12,791 were singletons with an average length of 598. 7 bp. The distribution of the number of ESTs in each melon unigene is shown in Figure 1. A number of highly abundant genes could be identified, with 162 unigenes represented by over 100 ESTs. The most abun dant genes in the combined set of libraries are listed in Table 3. Details of the melon EST assembly are available at the Cucurbit Genomics Database. Putative functions of melon unigenes were accessed by comparing unigene sequences against the GenBank non redundant protein database using the NCBI BLAST program.
The analysis showed that applying an e value cutoff of 1e 5, a total of 19,359 melon unigenes had hits in the nr database, while a total of 10,068 had hits when an e value cutoff of 1e 50 was applied. This indicated that a very high percentage of melon unigenes could be assigned a putative function. Those having no hits in the database are likely to Based on the GO annotations, putative gene functions of melon unigenes were classified into high level plant specific GO slims in each of the three categories. The most abundant GO slims within the biological pro include non coding RNAs, genes whose sequences do not capture regions that contain conserved functional domains, or protein coding genes that are novel in the database and or are melon specific. We then further compared melon unigenes to the pfam protein domain database.
A total of 8,251 melon unigenes contained at least one pfam domain and a total of 2,206 distinct pfam domains were represented by these 8,251 melon unigenes. A similar analysis on the well annotated Arabidopsis proteins indicated that 3,272 pfam domains could be represented by the Arabidopsis proteome. This suggested that melon unigenes assembled in the present study captured a large portion of genes in the melon genome. The most highly represented pfam domains in the melon unigene database included PF00069, PF00076, PF07714 and PF00097. Based on BLAST and pfam annotations, melon uni genes were further annotated with Gene Ontology terms.
A total of 15,350 unigenes were assigned at least one GO term, among which 12,953 were assigned at least one GO term in the biological process category, 13,149 in the Cilengitide molecular function cate gory and 12,420 in the cellular component cate gory, while 9,927 melon unigenes were annotated with GO terms from all the three categories. cess, molecular function, and cellular component cate gories were cellular process, binding, and membrane, respectively. In addition, a large number of melon uni genes appeared to be involved in plant responses to abiotic and biotic stimuli, flower develop ment, and secondary metabolite process, or have transcription factor activities.