Although the biophysical properties of hippocampal granule or pyramidal neurons seem to be largely unaffected in aging animals,196 depending on the hippocampal synapse examined, aged animals show either a higher threshold for LTP induction197 or a decreased level of LTP induction compared with young animals.198-200 In addition, LTP maintenance is decreased in the dentate gyrus and CA3 of aged rats,201,202 and LTP observed in these animals is more susceptible to depotentiation.203 Thus, while aged animals Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical still exhibit LTP, higher levels of stimulation are required
and the potentiation is less stable. Conversely, aged animals show-enhanced induction of LTD at CA3-CA1 synapses, potentially as a result of differences between calcium homeostasis between young and old rats.203 Thus, it seems clear Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that deficiencies in synaptic plasticity occur during normal aging and these deficits are likely attributable to defects in AMPAR trafficking. AMPAR trafficking and neural disease Essentially all age -associated neurological and neurodegenerative disorders involve synaptic abnormalities. A particularly well-studied
example of AMPAR dysfunction in disease pathogenesis is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Multiple approaches have been used to model the pathology of AD and common general features of these models are reduced synaptic AMPARs Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and aberrations in LTP20′ and LTD.204,205 Furthermore, disruption of AMPAR trafficking by soluble amyloid beta (Aβ) oligomers is a major causative Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical agent of synaptic dysfunction in AD.206 Aβ treatment of neurons leads to decreased AMPAR surface expression through increased AMPAR endocytosis.207 Interestingly, there are functional similarities between LTD and Aβ-induced AMPAR internalization,208 suggesting these processes may occur through common mechanisms. Synaptic localization of CaMKII is altered in APP transgenic mice and in cultures treated with Aβ oligomers. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Knockdown of CaMKII
occludes, and CaMKII overexpression blocks the effect of long-term exposure to Aβ on AMPAR surface expression.209 AV-951 LTD and the Aβ-induced loss of synaptic AMPARs also share other signaling molecules including p38, MAPK, calcineurin (PP2B), and GSK3β.205 Inhibition of calcineurin-mediated AMPAR endocytosis prevents Aβ induced AMPAR internalization and spine loss.207 Similarly, GSK3 inhibition prevents Aβ effects on steady state AMPAR surface expression and delivery of AMPAR into spines following LTP.210 Another route that Aβ interferes AMPAR trafficking appears to be competition with proteolytic maturation of BDNF, which is required for synaptic potentiation associated with classical conditioning.211 The only direct binding partner reported for Aβ oligomers to date is the cellular prion protein (PrP[C]),212 but this accounts for only half of the total oligomer binding.