In follow-up studies to the NAA findings, it was hypothesized

In follow-up studies to the NAA findings, it. was hypothesized

that, in addition to increasing functional neurochemical markers of neuronal viability, lithium-induced increases in bcl-2 would also lead to neuropil increases, and thus to increased brain gray matter volume in patients with bipolar disorder. In this clinical research investigation,130 brain tissue volumes were examined Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical using high-resolution three-dimensional MRI and validated quantitative brain tissue segmentation methodology to identify and quantify the various components by volume, including total brain white and gray matter content. Measurements were made at baseline (medicationfree, after a. minimum 14-day washout) and then repeated after 4 weeks of lithium at therapeutic doses. This study revealed Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that, chronic lithium significantly increases total gray matter content in the human brain of patients with bipolar disorder (Figure 2).130 No significant changes were observed in brain white matter volume or in quantitative

measures of regional cerebral water content, thereby providing strong evidence that the observed increases in gray matter content, are likely due to neurotrophic effects as opposed to any possible cell swelling and/or osmotic effects associated with lithium treatment. A finer-grained subregional analysis Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of this brain imaging data is ongoing, and suggests that, lithium produces a regionally selective increase

in gray matter, with prominent, effects being observed in hippocampus and caudate (unpublished observations). Figure 2. Brain matter is increased following 4 weeks of lithium administration at therapeutic levels in bipolar disorder patients. À Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical slice of brain tissue volumes using high-resolution three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (124 images, 1.5-mm … Concluding remarks: implications for development of new medications As discussed, there is a. considerable Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical body of evidence both conceptually and experimentally in support of the regulation of signaling cascades regulating synaptic plasticity and compound screening assay cellular resilience in the treatment (and potentially pathophysiology) of mood disorders. Regulation of signal transduction within critical regions of the brain affects the intracellular signal generated from by multiple neurotransmitter systems; these effects thus represent, attractive putative mediators of the pathophysiology of mood disorders and the therapeutic actions of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. It is also becoming increasingly clear that, for many refractory mood disorder patients, new drugs that simply mimic many “traditional” drugs, which directly or indirectly alter neurotransmitter levels, and those which bind to cell surface receptors may be of limited benefit.

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