The mean size of the uEPSC was 36 2 pA (±20 3 pA; ±SD; range: 16–

The mean size of the uEPSC was 36.2 pA (±20.3 pA; ±SD; range: 16–74 pA; n = 10), though our measurements may be biased toward slightly larger, more easily resolved responses. The success rate (0.52 ± 0.047; n = 10) placed a lower bound on the probability of synaptic vesicle release at recurrent synapses. We next determined the number of synaptic contacts each ChR2+ axon makes onto a given layer II pyramidal cell by measuring quantal responses (qEPSC) evoked by

replacing extracellular Ca2+ with Sr2+ to desynchronize synaptic release. In SCR7 in vivo slices bathed in Sr2+, light pulses evoked a large, early synchronous response with a tail of many small events that are thought to represent quantal synaptic currents (Figure 2Ci; Dodge et al., 1969, Franks and Isaacson, 2006 and Goda and Stevens, 1994). The similar amplitude of the light-evoked uEPSCs

and qEPSCs (25 ± 10 pA; ±SD; n = 11; Figures 2Cii and 2Civ) suggests that a recurrent axon typically makes a single en passant synaptic contact with a given pyramidal cell in the piriform cortex, consistent with anatomical predictions (Datiche et al., 1996 and Johnson et al., 2000). Moreover, at this contact, a presynaptic action potential releases, at most, a single quantum of transmitter. The light-evoked qEPSCs were larger and had faster kinetics than qEPSCs evoked from electrical stimulation of mitral and tufted cell axons in the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) in the same cells over (14 ± 4.0 pA; n = 9; Figures 2Ciii and 2Civ). The amplitudes of qEPSCs from afferent and recurrent inputs were consistent with Ruxolitinib the range of amplitudes of miniature EPSCs we recorded in tetrodotoxin (TTX) (17.3 ± 7.1 pA; ±SD; n = 562 events, n = 9 cells). The difference in the size of the afferent and recurrent qEPSCs may reflect differences in their biophysical properties (Schikorski and Stevens, 1999) or may simply reflect

greater dendritic filtering of the more distal LOT inputs. The ratio between the average EPSC (500 pA) evoked with a saturating light intensity that activates all ChR2+ inputs (see Figure 3E) and the unitary ESPC (25 pA) suggests that a cell receives, on average, 20 active inputs from the population of ChR2+ neurons. From the distribution of ChR2+ cells, we estimate that we infected about 8,000 excitatory neurons per animal (Figures S1E–S1H). This implies that the connectivity between any two pyramidal cells is less than 1%, and this value is largely independent of the distance between two piriform cells. Moreover, given that we infected less than 1% of all piriform pyramidal neurons (8,000 neurons out of a total of an assumed 106 pyramidal cells in the piriform), our observation of 20 activated ChR2+ inputs per cell implies that each neuron receives, at least, 2,000 recurrent excitatory inputs.

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