In the gdnf/NrCAM line, turning defects were prominent when both

In the gdnf/NrCAM line, turning defects were prominent when both gdnf and NrCAM were invalidated ( Figures 4E–4G). However, removal of a single allele from both genes also produced turning defects, indicating that this context was not sufficient to maintain a normal turning behavior of commissural axons. Moreover, these turning defects were already detected at E12.5, a stage at which they were not yet observed in the gdnf−/− embryos ( Figures 4E–4G). Two-way ANOVA was used to assess the interactions of gdnf and NrCAM in the gdnf/NrCAM mouse line, which gave

a significant link ( Figure S2A). Altogether, this suggests that NrCAM and gdnf are both required and functionally coupled to regulate see more FP crossing and turning of commissural axons. To further assess the respective weight of NrCAM and gdnf, we reasoned that it should be possible to analyze the consequence of in vivo gdnf and/or NrCAM loss on Plexin-A1 levels ( Figures 5A–5F). Transverse sections of E12.5 embryos were immunolabelled with Nf160kD and Plexin-A1 (n = 2 embryos per genotype, 30 sections per embryo). GSK1120212 solubility dmso Crossing and postcrossing axon domains were delineated; the fluorescence signal was quantified

with ImageJ Software, normalized to the size, and the Plexin-A1/Nf160kD ratio was compared between the different genotypes. This analysis revealed that the ratio significantly diminished in FP and PC domains after invalidation of either gdnf or NrCAM; the strongest effect was obtained in context of double deficiency, consistent with requirement for both FP cues ( Figures 5A–5F). This reduction of Plexin-A1 protein level was not due to a decrease of through Plexin-A1 transcripts, which had comparable levels in all genotypes, as shown by in situ hybridization performed on E12.5 transverse sections

(Figure S1B). Finally, cultures of commissural neurons were exposed to variable combinations of NrCAM and gdnf in order to mimic the in vivo context of allele variations, and their growth cone collapse response to Sema3B was investigated. We could observe that application of half of the operationally defined optimal doses of gdnf and NrCAM had a significantly more pronounced effect on the level of growth cone collapse than the optimal dose of either. However, at lower concentrations, this interaction could not be elicited reproducibly (Figure S2B). Next, we asked which receptor mediates this gdnf modulatory effect. Two major signaling receptors transduce the gdnf signal in neurons, the tyrosine kinase RET and the IgSFCAM NCAM, both of them requiring the GFRα1 coreceptor for high-affinity ligand binding and receptor activation. We thus investigated the expression patterns of these known gdnf receptors in E12.5 embryonic cross-sections. RET expression could not be detected along commissural axons using an anti-RET antibody (Figure S3A). Moreover, in E12.

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