, 2003), they should also activate a large number of iPNs, and therefore send a strong bulk inhibitory signal to the lateral horn (Figure 5A1). By contrast, Or67d neurons or PAA stimulation each activates a single glomerulus, and therefore engages a smaller number of iPNs, with limited inhibitory tone in the lateral horn (Figure 5A2). In the alternative model, which we termed
“selective inhibition” (Figure 5B), the Or67d- or PAA-processing channel is insulated from iPN inhibition that applies to the IA and vinegar-processing channels. These two models have different predictions if we were to costimulate Or67d neurons with IA. If the bulk inhibition model was correct, the lateral horn Or67d response (mostly Ku-0059436 research buy contributed by vlpr neurons) would be diminished with IA coapplication in intact animals, as IA application would activate many iPNs and send a strong inhibitory signal to the lateral horn (Figure 5A3). click here Alternatively, if the selective inhibition model was true, the Or67d response would not change with IA coapplication (Figure 5B3). We thus compared the lateral horn responses to IA, Or67d, and IA + Or67d in the same fly. Activating
Or67d neurons by optogenetic means simplified the experimental paradigm and circumvented possible peripheral odor-odor interactions (Su et al., 2011) or cross-contamination of residual odors during odor delivery. We measured lateral horn odor response to IA, Or67d neuronal activation, and costimulation in intact animals for 3–6 iterations ADP ribosylation factor (Figure 5C). To test whether Or67d neuronal responses would be inhibited by IA coapplication, we isolated the ROI of vlpr response to Or67d stimulation by performing mACT transection (Figure 5D).
Within the ROI, we found that costimulation of IA did not cause a detectable change of Or67d response magnitude in intact flies (Figures 5E–5G), despite the fact that IA clearly activated lateral horn responses outside the ROI (Figures 5C1 and 5C3). This experiment provided strong support to the selective inhibition model, at least for the cVA-processing channel. The lateral horn neuropil is composed of axon terminals from ePNs and iPNs as well as dendrites of putative third-order neurons, including the vlpr neurons. In principle, iPN inhibition of vlpr response could be caused by a direct inhibition of vlpr neurons, presynaptic inhibition of ePNs, or a combination of both. Ca2+ imaging does not have sufficient temporal resolution to discern whether the vlpr neurons receive direct iPN input. However, we could examine the contribution of presynaptic inhibition of ePNs by comparing Ca2+ imaging of ePN terminals before and after mACT transection. If there was presynaptic inhibition on ePN terminals, and the inhibition occurred at the step of or before presynaptic Ca2+ entry that triggers neurotransmitter release as most GABA-mediated inhibition does, we would expect an elevated Ca2+ response to the same olfactory stimulation after mACT transection.