Examples of such conditions are the region-specific hydro-climatology, geology, geography, human and ecological demands for good quality water. Sound scientific understanding of how the regional hydrology depends on both
natural and anthropogenic conditions and changes in both, requires advanced knowledge and insights, not only of the regional processes themselves but also of the links between hydrology, climate, landscapes and human activities (Batelaan et al., 2013, Montanari et al., 2013 and Merz et al., 2014). As discussed by Harte (2002), this demands for place-centered studies (“science of place”), because it allows us to study actual field hydrological processes in their full complexity and to compare hydrological behavior to other sites and OSI-906 chemical structure upscale or generalize to larger regions. Addressing the larger scale, or even global, water resources problems is only achievable through scientific understanding and action at local and regional level, as was stressed by the US National Research Council in their report on the ‘Challenges and opportunities in the hydrological sciences’ ( NRC, 2012). Apart from the issue of regional differences, there is a strong need to move further toward interdisciplinarity and translational science. “Interdisciplinarity in
hydrological science” allows us to make much better use of new technology for measurements, data analysis and simulation, also takes into
learn more account ecological, 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase social, economic, management and political aspects. There is a strong need to strengthen the process of translation of new hydrological insights to decision making such as water management and engineering and vice versa. There is a need for “translational science” where the science is brought to the decision level, and for the problems and needs from the management and decision level to reach the scientists so that management strategies are taken into account and evaluated by the scientists and the findings effectively communicated to the water policy makers and managers. This requires that the science–policy interface process is further developed ( Quevauviller, 2009). Given the existing temporal climate variations and the significant uncertainties in future changes of climate, land use, demographic conditions, etc., as well as the imperfect knowledge of the integrated hydrological system, the design of sustainable management solutions has to acknowledge these uncertainties in our ability to quantify hydrological processes and interactions. Hence, it is essential to integrate uncertainty estimation approaches into the science–policy interface process and move hydrological science from being just interesting to also being useful and important to society and an essential key in proactive decision making ( Hunt and Doherty, 2011).