TheraBand elastic tubinga was used to

provide resistance

TheraBand elastic tubinga was used to

provide resistance during each exercise. Subjects were required to complete at least 19 out of the 24 treatment sessions (∼80%) to remain in the study. In addition, if a patient missed 3 consecutive treatment sessions, their participation in the study was terminated. All subjects completed the required number of treatment sessions over the 8-week intervention period. Patients assigned to the posterolateral hip exercise group performed 2 exercises: SRT1720 ic50 one targeting the hip abductors and the other targeting the hip external rotators. Hip abductor strengthening was performed with patients positioned sidelying on a treatment table. Elastic tubing was tied just above the ankle at one end and attached to the bottom of the treatment table at the other (fig 2). The length of tubing was individualized across patients based on their lower limb length (distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus). The distance between the exercise limb and the bottom of the treatment table was adjusted to remove slack from the tubing. Patients were allowed to hold on to the edge of the table

for stabilization purposes. The exercise was performed against the resistance by abducting the hip from 0° to 30°.24 Hip external rotator strengthening was performed with patients seated at the edge of a treatment table and the knee flexed to 90° (fig 3). A strap was used to prevent sagittal and frontal plane motion of the thigh. Elastic tubing was tied around the ankle and was secured to a rigid pole.

The length of tubing was individualized selleck chemicals llc across patients based on thigh length (distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial femoral epicondyle). The distance between the exercise limb and pole was adjusted to remove slack from the tubing. The exercise was performed against the resistance by externally rotating the hip from 0° to 30°.15, 16, 24 and 25 Patients assigned to the quadriceps exercise group also performed 2 exercises. Org 27569 For the first exercise, the patient was seated at the edge of a treatment table, and the knee was flexed to 30° (fig 4). Elastic tubing was tied around the ankle and was secured to the bottom of the treatment table. The length of tubing was individualized across patients based on lower leg length (distance from the lateral femoral epicondyle to the medial malleolus). The distance between the exercise limb and the bottom of the treatment table was adjusted to remove the slack from the tubing. In accordance with previous studies, patients performed the exercise against resistance by extending the knee from 30° of knee flexion to full knee extension.12, 14 and 24 For the second exercise, patients stood with elastic tubing passing beneath both feet while holding one end of the tube in each hand (fig 5).

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