We have shown previously that MH-S cells are not capable

We have shown previously that MH-S cells are not capable

of killing M. pulmonis unless the mycoplasma is first bound by the macrophages. Killing is dependent on phagocytosis (Shaw et al., 2012). Vsa proteins act as a shield that reduces binding to macrophages when the proteins Bleomycin supplier are long with many tandem repeats. We show here that the EPS-I polysaccharide of M. pulmonis is a second shielding factor that inhibits binding to macrophages and hence is antiphagocytic. Both long Vsa protein and EPS-I have a role in protection from complement and inhibit biofilm formation (Bolland & Dybvig, 2012; Bolland et al., 2012). The amount of EPS-I that is associated with the mycoplasma cell is about the same regardless of the length of the Vsa protein being produced (Bolland et al., 2012). It OSI-906 nmr is unknown whether the Vsa proteins and EPS-I interact directly, but it is apparent that full shielding from host defences requires both a long Vsa protein and EPS-I. The shield primarily protects mycoplasmas from macrophages by inhibiting binding, but there are indications that a maximal shield may also inhibit phagocytosis of the bound mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmas bound to MH-S cells are not phagocytosed efficiently when they produce a very long VsaA protein (Shaw et al., 2012). The relative resistance of CTG1701-C

to killing even after being bound by the macrophages (Figs 1b and 2d) suggests that the high level of EPS-I on CTG1701-C has the capability to inhibit phagocytosis. There are several possible explanations for CTG1701-C producing as much as five times more EPS-I than CTG38. CTG1701 was complemented to generate CTG1701-C by inserting the 2-gene operon containing MYPU_7410 and MYPU_7420 along with its native promoter into the mycoplasmal genome using transposon Tn4001C as the vector (Daubenspeck et al., 2009). One possibility for increased production of EPS-I is that sequences upstream of the complementing operon in CTG1701-C have promoter activity that enhances transcription above that of the native promoter alone. ADAMTS5 Alternatively, the complementing operon might be missing

regulatory sequences that are present in the native operon. Another possibility is the position of the complementing operon in the genome might enhance transcription, as has been shown for genes near the origin for DNA replication (Li et al., 2003; Manna et al., 2004). Killing of M. pulmonis by MH-S cells was only modest. Host factors absent in the in vitro assays may be required for efficient phagocytosis. We show that yeast extract enhances killing. We view it likely that the mannosylated proteins from the yeast cell wall are responsible, possibly through interactions with complement receptor 3 or the mannose receptor on the macrophages. Complement receptor 3 contains a lectin domain that is believed to bind polysaccharide and increase killing of iC3b-opsonized microorganisms (Todd, 1996).

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