Multiple stenting usually requires bilateral stenting However, m

Multiple stenting usually requires bilateral stenting. However, multisegmental stenting can be performed unilaterally in the right lobe. MRCP can add the information on advanced subsegmental occlusion that precludes a complete drainage.[124] Moreover, when unilateral stenting with one stent is planned, MRCP can guide for dominant lobe drainage.[124] A group from Minneapolis reported on the usefulness of unilateral stenting suggested by MRCP to be efficient in 77 % of their HCCA patients and no further intervention was needed in 71%.[124] Moreover, Harewood and Baron reported that

the MRCP-guided strategy seems to be more cost-effective than a routine bilateral stenting.[125] 18. Endoscopic biliary drainage for advanced HCCA should be performed by an experienced biliary endoscopist with multidisciplinary backup. Level of agreement: a—88%, b—12%, c—0%, d—0%, e—0% Quality of evidence: III Classification of recommendation: C Endoscopic metallic stenting for a high-grade HCCA is a procedure requiring experienced professions.[126]

According to Schutz and Abbott, this procedure is classified as grade 5 which is the most difficult level.[127] Torin 1 Schutz and Abbott reported that 35% of grade 5 ERCP procedures in their series were unsuccessful (16 of 46), compared with only 4% failure rate in the less difficult procedures (grade 1 to 4 [5 of 138, P < 0.001]). Although there was no statistical difference on the complication Elongation factor 2 kinase rate, there was a trend of higher complication rate in grade 5 ERCP than the lower grades (9% vs 4%). Therefore, endoscopic biliary drainage for HCCA should be performed by an experienced biliary endoscopist. In addition, multidisciplinary backup is needed when performing this level of ERCP complexity.

For instance, when duct opacification without complete drainage happens, another approach, such as prompt percutaneous drainage, is mandatory,[110, 128, 129] otherwise post ERCP cholangitis may develop.[117] 19. Bilateral biliary drainage using metallic stents for HCCA can be performed with side-by-side or stent-in-stent methods. Level of agreement: a—88%, b—12%, c—0%, d—0%, e—0% Quality of evidence: II-2 Classification of recommendation: A Endoscopic bilateral or multisegmental stenting with SEMS is technically challenging. After the initial stenting of the intrahepatic duct in one segment (or side), a second stent can be placed either using a “side-by-side” method, i.e. the second stent is deployed parallel to the initial stent, or using “stent-in-stent,” i.e. the second stent is deployed by crossing through the mesh within the initial stent.[129-131] To date, there is not enough data to support on which technique is preferable. Previously, contralateral stenting through the mesh of the first SEMS for “stent-in-stent” method was technically difficult because of the narrow mesh design of the first stent.

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