Materials and Methods: Four 2D finite element analysis (FEA) mode

Materials and Methods: Four 2D finite element analysis (FEA) models were prepared presuming that the first and second molars were missing, and that PF-02341066 in vitro the implant (3.80-mm diameter × 13-mm length) was placed in the second molar NRC design and patrix-matrix position supported by teeth/implants. Nonlinear contact elements were used to simulate a realistic interface fixation within the implant system and the sliding function of the NRC. Supporting periodontal

ligament and alveolar bone (cortical and trabecular) were also modeled. Linear static analysis was performed on the prepared 2D solid models with a total masticatory force of 250 N (50 N for premolar, 100 N for first molar, 100 N for second molar), 0° (at a right angle) and 30° to the long axis of the supports. The maximum equivalent Von Mises (VMMax) was analyzed around the supporting teeth/implant and connector areas on tooth- and implant-supported FDP. Results: The simulated results indicated that the

highest level of VMMax (400.377 MPa) was observed on the NRC with the matrix positioned on the implant site of tooth- and implant-supported FDP under vertical occlusal load. The highest level of VMMax (392.8 MPa) under oblique occlusal load was also observed on the same model; however, the lowest VMMax value around implants was observed with the NRC when the patrix was positioned on the implant site of the FDP. Under vertical occlusal loads, in designs where the NRC was placed on the implant site, the stress formed around the implant decreased when compared 3-deazaneplanocin A to the designs where the NRCs were positioned on the tooth site. Conclusions: The efficiency of the NRC exhibited varying behavior depending on the direction of the load applied. The use of the patrix

part of the NRC on the implant site may be more efficient in reducing the stress formation around the implant. “
“The aim of this retrospective study was to summarize practice-based evidence associated with long-term outcomes (>20 years) in the management of edentulous patients. The patient population was managed with implant-supported prostheses, following the original osseointegration protocol, provided over the period from 1983 to 1991 in the group prosthodontics practice at the Mayo MCE公司 Clinic. The data are an example of practice quality assurance monitoring and are used to refine care delivery when needed and to provide information regarding expected outcomes in a shared decision-making interaction with prospective patients. Two hundred and sixty four patients with at least one edentulous jaw were identified. Of these, 255 completed their care and follow-up at the Mayo Clinic (209 mandible only, 35 maxilla only, 11 mandible and maxilla). Prosthodontic outcomes categorized as anticipated or unanticipated prosthetic and biologic events and the respective interventions required for each were recorded to assess follow-up event dynamics for this care modality.

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