Hence, separation of the pulmonary and systemic circulation is de

Hence, separation of the pulmonary and systemic circulation is desirable. The Fontan operation allows systemic

venous return to the pulmonary arteries bypassing the right ventricle. The Fontan operation (Fig. 1) may be accomplished by either creating a direct cavopulmonary (sometimes in a staged manner) or atriopulmonary anastomosis. In the first stage (i.e., superior caval-pulmonary anastomosis or bidirectional Glenn procedure), the superior vena cava is connected to the pulmonary arteries. Eventually, the inferior vena cava is also connected to the pulmonary arteries completing the circulation (Fontan completion). In earlier iterations of the Fontan, an atriopulmonary anastomosis was created with the hope that a hypertrophied right atrium would serve as a functional pump. However, it was associated

with a risk check details of atrial dysrhythmias and atrial thrombi.10 More commonly, a cavopulmonary anastomosis is achieved by the use of an intra-atrial tunnel or patch or by utilizing an extracardiac conduit to connect the vena cavae to the pulmonary arteries (Fig. 1). As a consequence of surgical palliation, significant liver disease can develop as a result of the interplay of central venous hypertension/passive congestion and hypoxia resulting from left ventricular Napabucasin dysfunction. Development of significant hepatic injury after a Fontan procedure is multifactorial. The determinants of cardiac output are central venous pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, and systemic ventricular see more end-diastolic pressure. Over time, a “failure of Fontan physiology” is common. Failure of the Fontan circuit may result from elevated pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary thrombi, narrowing and scarring in the Fontan pathway or pulmonary arteries, and failure of the systemic ventricle, which results in elevated pressure in the pulmonary venous atrium. Chronic elevation of central venous pressure is common, and reduced cardiac output from the functioning single ventricle

is frequent, particularly as diastolic and systolic dysfunction ensues. The former results from the absence of a subpulmonic pump.11 There is impaired coupling between the ventricles and the arterial system with late ventricular dysfunction.12 Atrial arrhythmias may contribute to this decline with relative hypotension and desaturation. The development of pulmonary venovenous collaterals as pressure “pop-offs” are not uncommon in the adult population and further contribute to hypoxemia. Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, most often observed after a classic Glenn procedure, also contribute to hypoxemia. Chronic hypoxia resulting from a depressed cardiac output, in addition to the aforementioned changes, may also lead to hepatic injury.

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