Intrahepatic mononuclear cells were isolated from six unimmunized

Intrahepatic mononuclear cells were isolated from six unimmunized individual mice and the expression of various TCR Vβ on CD8+ T cell subsets was determined by flow cytometry using a commercially available screening kit. The pattern of TCR Vβ usage by liver CD8+ T cells was conserved between individual mice (Figure 2a). As has been reported previously, the most commonly used TCR Vβ families in C57BL/6 mice were Vβ5.1,5.2 and Vβ8.1,8.2 (28,29). As livers from unimmunized mice do not typically contain TEM cells, we only analysed the repertoires expressed by CD8+ TN and TCM cells. The frequency of TCR Vβ usage was similar for TN and TCM CD8+ T cells; however, there was more variability

MK-8669 in vitro in TCR Vβ usage by CD8+ TCM cells, perhaps reflecting differences in generation of different epitope specificities in individual mice. As immunization with Pbγ-spz promotes the appearance of CD8+ TEM cells in the liver [Figure 1a; (8)], we sought to determine whether

CD8+ TEM cells induced by γ-spz maintain a diverse TCR Vβ repertoire or whether the repertoire becomes focused. One week after the final immunization, we analysed the TCR Vβ expression on liver CD8+ T cell SAHA HDAC subsets. Figure 2(b) shows combined results from the analyses of 10 individual mice. The frequencies of CD8+ TN and TCM cells expressing a particular TCR Vβ were similar to that observed in CD8+ T cells from the livers of unimmunized mice. In contrast, the expression of TCR Vβ by CD8+ TEM cells was much more Protirelin variable. Many mice had an increase in the expression of one or more TCR Vβ on CD8+ TEM cells compared to TN/TCM cells. We performed the analyses on 10 mice, three mice showed an expansion of the Vβ7 and the expression of Vβ11 on CD8+ TEM cells was elevated in most mice. However, the frequencies of the majority of TCR Vβ expressed by CD8+ TEM cells either remained the same or appeared lower than that of TN/TCM. To determine whether challenge altered the TCR Vβ repertoire of CD8+ TEM cells, a cohort of mice was challenged with 10 K infectious spz 7 days

after the last boost immunization with Pbγ-spz, and 1–2 weeks after the challenge, we analysed the TCR Vβ expression on the CD8+ T cell subsets. For example, the mouse depicted in Figure 1b has an expansion of Vβ7 and Vβ8.3 CD8+ TEM cells. Vβ7 was expressed on 4·6% of TN, 6·7% of TCM and 21·5% of TEM, while Vβ8.3 was expressed on 6·7% of TN, 8·4% TCM and 21·1% of TEM CD8+ cells. Calculation of the absolute number of CD8+ T cells demonstrated that there were 2·4 × 104 Vβ7+CD8+TN, 3·2 × 104 Vβ7+CD8+TCM, 15 × 104 Vβ7+CD8+TEM, 2·5 × 104 Vβ8.3+CD8+TN, 1·2 × 104 Vβ8.3+CD8+TCM and 12·9 × 104 Vβ8.3+CD8+TEM per liver. Data in Figure 3 show the combined analyses performed on liver CD8+ T cells from 18 individual mice.

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