Figure 4 Potential methanotrophic genera detected Shown is the p

Figure 4 Potential methanotrophic genera detected. Shown is the proportion of reads assigned to methanotrophic genera at the genus level in MEGAN for each metagenome. In the left section known aerobic methanotrophic genera are presented. In

the middle section known taxa involved in GSK3326595 anaerobic methane oxidation are presented. In the right section known genera of sulphate reducing bacteria are presented. The archaeal sulphate reducing genus Archaeoglobus is also included in this section. The 0-4 cm metagenome is presented in red. The 10-15 cm metagenome is presented in blue. Numbers are given as log(10) percentage of total reads in each metagenome. ANME groups were the predominant anaerobic methanotrophs in the sediments. Since find more taxonomic classification of reads in MEGAN was based on the NCBI taxonomy, the ANME clades

this website were not recognized as independent taxa. The artificial taxon “”Archaeal environmental samples”" was however represented (Additional file 3, Table S3). Inspection of the reads assigned to this taxon revealed their assignment to ANME-1 and ANME-2 fosmids isolated from Eel River [11] or to “”uncultured archaeon”". Further inspection of the best hits for the reads assigned to “”uncultured archaeon”" (mean bit score 146.8) showed that most of these reads were associated to ANME as well, while a few reads were assigned to fosmids isolated from methane seeps offshore Japan [12, 27–29] (Table 2). Table 2 “”Archaeal environmental samples”"- reads assigned to ANME-sequences Clade 0-4 cm metagenome 10-15 cm metagenome   Reads assigned Percent of reads Reads assigned Percent

of reads ANME-1, Eel River [11, 27] 27 0.01 3532 1.82 ANME-1, Black Sea [12] 177 0.07 12752 6.56 ANME-1b, Black Sea [28] 8 0.00 429 0.22 Total ANME-1 212 0.08 16713 8.60 ANME-2, Eel River [11] 20 0.01 534 0.27 ANME-2a [28] 11 0.00 14 0.01 ANME-2c [28] 2 0.00 12 0.01 Total ANME-2 33 0.01 560 0.29 ANME-3, Hydrate Ridge [28] 0 0.00 6 0.00 Total ANME-3 0 0.00 6 0.00 Total ANME 245 0.09 17279 8.89 The table presents Sulfite dehydrogenase reads assigned to Archaeal environmental samples”" further classified as ANME. All percentages are given as the percentage of total reads for each filtered metagenome. The ANME-1 clade was by far the anaerobic methanotroph with most assigned reads, although ANME-2 and ANME-3 also were present in the 10-15 cm metagenome (Figure 4). ANME-1 and ANME-2 were detected with low abundance in the 0-4 cm metagenome. The high abundance of ANME in the 10-15 cm metagenome indicates that AOM caused the high methane oxidation rates measured at this depth. ANME are assumed to live in syntrophy with SRB. The most abundant genera of SRB in the metagenomes from the Tonya seep were Desulfococcus, Desulfobacterium and Desulfatibacillum (Figure 4). These genera were abundant in both metagenomes, and Desulfococcus, a common partner of ANME [7, 9, 10], especially so in the 10-15 cm metagenome (Additional file 2, Table S2).

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