, 1995, Kuśmierczyk-Michulec and Rozwadowska, 1999, Kuśmierczyk-M

, 1995, Kuśmierczyk-Michulec and Rozwadowska, 1999, Kuśmierczyk-Michulec and Marks, 2000, Kuśmierczyk-Michulec et al., 2001 and Kuśmierczyk-Michulec et al., 2002). In the papers by Kuśmierczyk-Michulec et al., 2001 and Kuśmierczyk-Michulec et al., 2002 the changes in the optical properties of aerosols were analysed as a function of their chemical composition. On the basis of data gathered during two Baltic cruises (July 1997 and March 1998), those authors showed that the maritime aerosols were characterized by the lowest values of the Ångström Pexidartinib exponent (α(400, 865) ≤ 0.26).

The presence of organic carbon, mineral aerosols and ammonium salts caused a significant increase in the Ångström exponent. Values of α(400, 865) were the highest when aerosols were dominated by soot particles (α(400, 865) ≥ 1.47). Kuśmierczyk-Michulec & Rozwadowska

(1999) analysed the seasonal variability in the optical proprieties of Baltic aerosols as well as the influence of meteorological factors on AOT(555) and α(412, 875), taking the northerly (270°–N–90°) and southerly (90°–N–270°) wind sectors into account on the basis of the dataset collected over a four-year period from 1994 to 1998. They found that higher values of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT(555)) and Ångström exponent (α(412, 875)) occurred during southerly winds almost regardless of season. Higher values of α(412, 875) occurred only during the summer when winds were northerly. That analysis also showed that with increasing relative humidity RH, there was a greater probability of AOT(555) values BMS-734016 being higher. Niemi et al., 2003 and Niemi

et al., 2005 studied cases of air advection from Europe and eastern Russia above the Scandinavian Peninsula in spring and summer 2002. Focusing on chemical analyses, they found that the aerosols had been generated by forest fires in the above-mentioned areas. The aerosol optical thickness spectra from 1999 to 2002 from the AERONET station on Gotland were investigated very by Carlund et al. (2005). Those authors found only a weak correlation of AOT(500) and α(440, 870) with water vapour and relative humidity. Their analysis did not reveal any significant influence of wind direction and speed on α(440, 870). Most data used in the papers on the Baltic aerosols have come from short-term campaigns. Only Carlund et al. (2005) analysed AERONET data from Gotland, but they did not take the seasonal changes in aerosol optical properties into consideration. That is why the seasonal variability of aerosol properties over the Baltic Sea as well as the influence of local meteorological factors on the aerosol optical thickness and Ångström exponent are analysed in the present paper. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the database and the methods used in the analysis, the results and their discussion are presented in section 3, and section 4 contains conclusions.

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