24 One should be cautious with the overall interpretation of data obtained with different antibodies, in view of potential differences in immunostaining capac ity. However, we have recently reported that kinetic pat terns and quantitative responses of TNF and IL 1 pro duction were very similar in cultured rat spleen cells22 using the technology of this study to previous results in human blood cell cultures28 and in mouse spleen cul tures,29 indicating satisfactory sensitivity of both antibod ies. It could also be argued that studies of synovial CIA specimens at much later time points might show a more congruent picture to that in RA with lower TNF expres sion. The cytokine interplay may be different in acute and advanced arthritis. But in the selleck present trial, we have fo cused on the time span that is commonly used in evalu ating new therapeutic approaches.
This further impli cates a need for caution when extrapolating findings in animal models to human RA. Therapeutic cytokine blocking studies in murine CIA revealed that TNF MN029 neutralization gave major suppressive effects when treatment was started shortly before dis ease onset, but only a marginal effect when given after the arthritis was fully expressed, whereas anti IL 1 was also highly effective in established disease. 13,14 These results could be explained in quantitative terms consid ering that in experimental arthritis the quantitatively dom inating TNF production makes IL 1 a more accessible target for therapeutic down regulation. The treatment strategy in human RA might be the opposite because the quantitatively higher IL 1 production might require rela tively higher doses of IL 1Ra than in CIA for beneficial effects. We have previously shown that the novel macrophage pacifying compound CNI 1493 can prevent and diminish the severity of CIA.
19 Intervention with CNI 1493 did not have any effect on the early, quantitatively low, disease preceding synthesis of TNF and IL 1 in the lining layer. After disease onset, coinciding with macrophage
infiltra tion in the synovium, CNI 1493 clinically resulted in a delayed disease onset and a decrease in arthritis severity with a clear reduction of swelling and a synovitis that was less extensive at all time points when compared to un treated animals. We demonstrate a profound down reg ulation of TNF in CNI 1493 treated animals as well as a reduced IL 1 synthesis although not as evident as for TNF. These findings are in accordance with earlier in vitro studies of CNI 1493, when suppression of several other pro inflammatory cytokines, including IL 1 and IL 1, required 10 to 20 times higher concentrations than needed for TNF inhibition. 17 The profound inhibitory ef fect of CNI 1493 on TNF synthesis in this TNF dominating disease implicates that the down regulatory potential of CNI 1493 in rheumatoid synovitis might even be under estimated based on our present clinical results.