Analysis was performed using custom-written macros in IgorPro (Wa

Analysis was performed using custom-written macros in IgorPro (WaveMetrics). Detailed morphological and distance measurements were performed on stacked images of Alexa Fluor 488- or 594-loaded neurons (collected at the end of the experiment) using ImageJ (NIH). Distances were measured from the approximate midpoint of the input site. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica software (Statsoft). N values represent number of dendrites unless otherwise indicated. Differences were considered significant when p < 0.05. In all figures, symbols and error bars represent mean ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. We thank B.K. Andrásfalvy, J. Szabadics, Z.

Nusser, J. Brunner, K. Bittner, M.T. Harnett, and A. Milstein for useful Imatinib concentration discussions, R. Chitwood Wee1 inhibitor and A. Milstein for help with analysis macros, and B. Shields, A. Hu, and A. Ráksai-Maár for technical assistance. This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (International Senior Research Fellowship,

grant number 090915, J.K.M.) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Lendület LP2011-012, J.K.M.). “
“Is President Obama an expert? How about the colleagues down the hall? Whether assessing politicians or colleagues, we continually form and update impressions of others’ abilities. This skill carries considerable advantages because identifying the expertise of group members dramatically facilitates group performance in a range of contexts and is thought to enhance the survival fitness of social groups (Einhorn et al., 1977, Libby et al., 1987, Littlepage et al.,

1997 and Yetton first and Bottger, 1982). Perceptions of expertise emerge by age eight (Henrich and Broesch, 2011) and appear to be key in guiding whom people select as political leaders, role models, professional advisors, employees, students, and colleagues (Aronson, 2003 and Frith and Frith, 2012). Taken together, this suggests that tracking the ability or expertise of others is critical for effectively navigating our complex social world. Despite this, the computational and neurobiological basis of tracking others’ abilities is presently unknown. Pioneering neuroscience studies on social learning have begun to reveal the neural mechanisms responsible for vicarious learning about the world (Burke et al., 2010, Cooper et al., 2012 and Olsson and Phelps, 2007), as well as for learning about other agents’ beliefs, intentions, and expected future behavior (Behrens et al., 2008, Cooper et al., 2010, Hampton et al., 2008, Suzuki et al., 2012, Tomlin et al., 2006 and Yoshida et al., 2010). However, the computational and neural underpinnings of learning about other agents’ attributes, such as their expertise, have received much less attention.

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