Fertility preservation techniques causing a possible worsening of the disease activity

a fertility preservation method. The largest proportion of these opted for treatment with a GnRH analogue. The mean age of these patients was years . Ovarian tissue removal for cryoconservation was performed laparoscopically in 7 patients with a mean age of years . Less than one ovary was cryoconserved in 6 of the Rivaroxaban Stimulation therapy for cryoconservation of fertilized egg cells was performed in three patients . Between and IE gonadotropin were administered from the rd or th day of the menstrual cycle over eight to 6 days. In two patient ve and three eggs could be cryoconserved in a fertilized stage after IVF respectively. Despite long stimulation and highdose gonadotropi no egg cells could be collected from the third patient who was 6 years of age.
Nineteen patients decided onbination treatment; the mean age here was years . Ovarian tissue cryoconservation was chosen alongside GnRH analogue treatment by 6 patients and stimulation treatment was performed in a further three patients in addition to GnRH analogue administration. The fertility protection methods Oxymatrine inhibitor carried out are shown in Figure .plications No surgical or interventionalplications occurred as a result of the fertility preservation methods. None of the patients needed to have their chemotherapy deferred because of the ovarian protection procedures. No thromboembolic events or overstimulations were reported. Lupus res were not assessed by the reporting gynaecologists. Review of the literature Four controlled trials on GnRH analogue use in patients with autoimmune diseases can be found in the literature as well as two metaanalyses , all favouring its use.
Only case reports Lupus Downloaded from lup.sagepub at Bobst Libra New York University on March 9, XML Template K:/LUP/LUP d Fertility preservation methods in young women with SLE prior to cytotoxic therapy M Henes . or series are available for the other fertility preservation techniques Magnolol 528438 in autoimmune diseases. Discussion Fertility preservation in SLE patients is an important but so far often neglected topic.pared to the heterogeneous group of malignanci it is a rare disease pattern and only of patients advised within the Ferti PROTEKT network were aected by SLE. Neverthele even this patient group constitutes an ideal coho especially for further research.
SLE patients are young the mean age was 5 years in the evaluated group and they have an excellent response to treatment as well as longterm survival. Furthermo of the patients were childless and family planning at the time of the illness was mostly not yetpleted. The possibility of buy Ecdysone fertility protection is an important aspect for the aected wom and over 0 of this collective opted for fertility preservation treatment. The main problems in studies on fertility preservation during chemotherapy are the heterogeneity of the substances used and of the diseases. Because of the CYC monotherapy in S as well as the mostly good and close link between the patients and the rheumatologi good followup and reliable pregnancy planning can often be ensured. Especially fertilization in SLE there are concerns about the fertility preservation techniques causing a possible worsening of the disease activity and a possible exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy. Data on the safety.

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