Flt Inhibitors and second-line chemotherapy. Yes No Sometimes Not stated FIG UK oncologistsviews on the types of patients with advanced prostate cancer who should be treated with chemotherapy in the st-line setting. CR castration-resistant prostate cancer; P prostate-speci antigen. On avera oncologists participating in the survey treated 8 patients with advanced prostate cancer with chemotherapy each year. For those who use chemothera 0 advised that they would treat with docetaxel in the st-line setting . When asked which types of patients they would consider treating with chemotherapy in the st-line setti most considered those with advanc symptomatic disease as eligible.
Howev fewer reported that they would use chemotherapy to treat asymptomatic patients with clinical progressio radiological progression or PSA progression . Patients considered ineligible for chemotherapy Docetaxel Mitoxantrone FIG In ence of prior response to st-line docetaxel on the oncologistsdecisions to treat with second-line docetaxel or mitoxantrone for patients with advanced prostate cancer in the UK. included those with a poor performance stat signi ant co-morbid facto the elderly and asymptomatic patients with a slowly rising PSA level. Patient preference was also identid as a key consideration. FIG UK oncologistsviews on the most important endpoints in encing the oncologistschoice of In the second-line setti participants treated an average of nine patients second-line TSA hdac inhibitor chemotherapy agent. overall survival; P progression-free survival; P prostate-speci antigen; Q quality of life. with advanced prostate cancer with chemotherapy each year; mitoxantrone was used by 8 of participantspared with 9 who used docetaxel. Other chemotherapy regimens used in this setting were – cyclophosphamide and carboplatin/etoposide; chemotherapy as part of a clinical trial was also listed as an option.
A previous response to docetaxel appeared to be a key factor in encing the decision to retreat with docetaxel in the second-line setti whereas the decision to treat with mitoxantrone second-line was Not stated moremon for patients who had not OS PFS PSA response Pain response Toxicity QoL responded to st-line docetaxel . Other factors in encing the oncologists decision to treat with second-line chemotherapy were the presence of progressive symptom tolerance of previous chemotherap radiological progression and biochemical progression . The most important endpoints in encing the oncologists choice allegiance of second-line chemotherapy agent were overall quality of lif pain response and toxicity . Patients that oncologists would consider ineligible for second-line chemotherapy were similar to those identid in the st-line setting. Howev additional factors included a poor/no response to st-line BJU INTERNATIONAL THE AUTHORS BJU INTERNATIONAL Respons.