Haematoxylin and eosin staining was performed to examine the effect of ZDV on gingival epithelial morphology and stratification in raft cultures. The raft culture system has been shown to accurately mimic the in vivo physiology of the gingival epidermis [24, 25]. In the first set of experiments, we applied ZDV treatments every ABT-263 price other day throughout the period of raft culture growth and differentiation for a total of 16 days. We treated
the raft cultures with a range of ZDV concentrations, two on either side of the Cmax: 0.5, 1, 2 (Cmax), 4 and 6 μg/mL. Control rafts were fed with E-medium only (Fig. 1). The raft cultures treated with all concentrations of ZDV showed dramatic changes in morphology and stratification. Even at 4 days there were obvious changes in tissues treated from day 0. Keratin pearls become evident in treated tissues. Drug treatment also caused a change in differentiation. Normally, nuclei are only present in the basal layer of cells, as
was the case with our untreated rafts. However, in ZDV-treated rafts, nuclei became http://www.selleckchem.com/products/KU-60019.html visible throughout the layers of tissue. Additionally, in rafts allowed to grow for 10–16 days, there was a dramatic loss of vaculation of the upper tissue layers of all ZDV-treated raft cultures (Fig. 2a). A second set of experiments was designed to examine the effect of ZDV on already established growing tissue. Rafts were grown to day 8 in E-medium alone (Fig. 2b). At day 8, ZDV was added at the same concentrations as used in the first set of experiments and applied every other day until the tissue was harvested. This allowed us to examine the effect of ZDV on already differentiated many tissue and to compare the results to those obtained in tissues treated with protease
inhibitors [26, 27]. The effect of ZDV on tissue grown to day 8 was similar to that of ZDV added to tissue on day 0. Figure 2b demonstrates the effect of ZDV on day 8 gingival tissues compared with untreated rafts. The raft cultures treated with ZDV below the Cmax showed the same morphology at 2 and 4 days post treatment, and were similar to untreated rafts (Fig. 2b, panels A–C). There was a change in morphology, including the presence of keratin pearls, a change in differentiation and a loss of vaculation, as early as 2 days post treatment in these rafts at concentrations at or above Cmax (Fig. 2b, panels D–F). At 6 or more days post treatment these changes in morphologies were evident at all concentrations.