HIV 1 production assay Primary human macrophages were infected wi

HIV 1 production assay Primary human macrophages were infected with HIV 189. 6 or HIV 1NLAD 8 virus. Two days post infection, these cells were washed with PBS to eliminate the presence of virus. After washing, the cells were cultured either in media alone or media containing aPKC inhibitor. Infected macro phages were cultured for 12 days, during which time viral supernatants were collected and fresh media with inhi bitors was also added every three days. The p24 levels con tained in each viral supernatant sample was monitored using p24 ELISA in accordance with the manufacturers protocol. Background The envelope protein of the human immunodefi ciency virus, a heavily glycosylated type I trans membrane protein, mediates infectious viral entry into target cells.

This process depends on the interactions of Env with proteins displayed at the surface of host cells. All primary HIV 1 isolates characterized to date engage the CD4 protein as receptor for infectious entry. Upon binding to CD4, a coreceptor binding site is gener ated or e posed in Env, which allows engagement of the chemokine coreceptors CCR5 and C CR4. The interac tions of Env with CD4 and coreceptor are essential for infectious entry, and the interacting surfaces are key tar gets for preventive and therapeutic approaches. For instance, a small molecule inhibitor of Env binding to CCR5, maraviroc, blocks spread of CCR5 tropic HIV and is used as salvage therapy for patients who do not respond to conventional HIV therapy.

Receptor e pression levels can limit HIV entry into host cells, and this limitation can be overcome by concentrating virions onto target cells by, for e ample, centrifugation or polybrene treatment. A constantly accumulating body of evidence suggests that certain host cell factors can also promote viral attachment to cells and can thereby increase infection efficiency. A striking e ample is the interaction of HIV with a semen derived fragment of prostatic acidic phosphatase, termed SEVI. SEVI, an amyloidogenic peptide, forms fibrils in human semen which capture HIV and concentrate virions onto target cells. As a consequence, SEVI boosts viral infectivity and might increase the risk of acquiring HIV infection upon se ual intercourse. Incorporation of host cell fac tors into the HIV envelope can also increase viral infec tivity.

The augmentation of infectivity is due to the interaction of the virion incorporated factors with their cognate receptors on HIV target cells, as e emplified by the up to 100 fold increased Brefeldin_A infectivity of ICAM 1 bear ing viruses for LFA 1 positive target cells. Finally, attachment of HIV to dendritic cells can also promote HIV infection of adjacent T cells, and this prop erty has been associated with the e pression of DC SIGN, a calcium dependent lectin which recog nizes mannose rich carbohydrates on the HIV Env pro tein.

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