In addition, we will present an outlook on the application of NMR

In addition, we will present an outlook on the application of NMR to light-harvesting antennae of oxygenic organisms, which may enhance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of NPQ. Preparation of biological samples for solid-state NMR In NMR, the signals from nuclear

spins are characterized by a parameter called the chemical shift, reflecting the variation of the induced magnetic field relative to the GSK2245840 research buy applied magnetic field. The dispersion of NMR frequencies is due to the diamagnetic susceptibility of the electrons in their molecular orbitals, i.e. the magnetic field at the nucleus is reduced by the electronic shielding from the surrounding electrons. The chemical shifts provide atomic selectivity for well-ordered systems and are highly sensitive to Selleck Rabusertib the local environment. In contrast to X-ray diffraction techniques that require long-range crystalline order, solid-state NMR can be applied to ordered systems without translation symmetry, including membrane proteins in a detergent shell or a lipid membrane (Renault et al. 2010; Alia et al. 2009; McDermott 2009). Magnetic resonance occurs only for nuclei with a net nuclear spin and magnetic moment from an uneven number of nucleons. Commonly studied isotopes in natural systems are the spin ½ nuclei 1H, 13C, 15N, and 31P. In the solid-state,

the T2 spin–spin relaxation time is short due do restricted motions, resulting in broad lines. With Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) and high power decoupling the signal overlap can be reduced. Since the Selleckchem Cetuximab 1H NMR chemical shifts fall into a narrow range, indirect detection via heteronuclear coupling with e.g. 13C or 15N atoms is used to ML323 order resolve the 1H response. Since the nuclear spin species 13C and 15N have low natural abundance, sample enrichment with additional isotopes is generally required. For biological samples, these have to be incorporated biosynthetically,

for instance by using recombinant proteins that are over-expressed in cell cultures grown on isotope-rich media. Antenna apo-proteins can be expressed in E. coli and re-assembled with their chromophores into functional complexes, but these reconstituted proteins are not easily produced in the milligram quantities required for NMR in the solid state. The α polypeptide of a purple bacterial antenna complex was also successfully expressed in a cell-free in vitro expression system and reconstituted with pigments afterward (Shimada et al. 2004). The advantage of cell-free systems is that isotope-labeled amino acids can be added directly to the synthesis reaction, without losses in the metabolic pathways. In addition, chromophores, membrane lipids, or detergent molecules can be added during the protein synthesis reaction to stimulate protein folding in vitro. For photosynthetic proteins, this could eventually lead to synthesis and folding in one step, with possibilities for selective pigment or amino acid labeling.

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