In contrast to sunflower seed oil, topical treatment with olive oil significantly damages the skin barrier, and therefore has the potential to promote the development of, and exacerbate existing, atopic dermatitis. The use of olive oil for the treatment of dry skin and infant massage should therefore be discouraged. These findings challenge the unfounded belief that all natural oils are beneficial for the skin and highlight the need for further research.”
“The enzyme EndoS from Streptococcus pyogenes is an immunomodulatory molecule hydrolyzing the conserved glycans in the effector part of immunoglobulin G (IgG). EndoS is remarkably specific for IgG, and hydrolysis has profound effects on IgG effector
functions. EndoS pretreatment of IgG, or direct administration to animals with experimental antibody-mediated autoimmune diseases, inhibits development of disease or cures animals from established disease. The properties of EndoS make it a unique experimental tool check details and an attractive alternative to current therapies of conditions involving pathogenic antibodies. This review describes the discovery of EndoS, the effects of EndoS on IgG effector functions in vitro and in vivo, the biotechnological Rabusertib price potential of EndoS, and the outcomes of EndoS treatment in animal models of autoimmunity.”
“The new Mg- and F-dominant lamprophyllite-group mineral lileyite (IMA 2011-021) was found at the
Lohley quarry, Udersdorf, near Daun, Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany, and named click here for the old name of the type locality, Liley. Associated minerals are nepheline,
leucite, augite, magnetite, fluorapatite, perovskite, gotzenite. Lileyite is brown, translucent; streak is white. It forms platy crystals up to 0.1 x 0.3 x 0.5 mm in size and their clusters up to 1 mm across on the walls of cavities in an alkaline basalt. Lileyite is brittle, with Mohs hardness of 3-4 and perfect cleavage on (001). D-calc is 3.776 g/cm(3). The new mineral is biaxial (+), alpha = 1.718(5), beta = 1.735(5), gamma = 1.755(5), 2V (meas.) = 75(15)degrees, 2V (calc.) = 86 degrees. The IR spectrum is given. The chemical composition is (EDS-mode electron microprobe, mean of 5 analyses, wt%): SiO2 28.05, BaO 26.39, TiO2 18.53, Na2O 6.75, MgO 4.58, FeO 4.48, CaO 2.30, SrO 2.23, MnO 1.44, K2O 1.41, Nb2O5 0.95, F 3.88, -O=F-2 -1.63; total 99.36. The empirical formula based on 18 anions is: Ba1.50Sr0.19K0.26Na1.89Ca0.36Mn0.18Mg0.99Fe0.54Ti2.01Nb0.06Si4.06O16.23F1.77. The simplified formula is: Ba-2(Na,Fe,Ca)(3)MgTi2(Si2O7)(2)O2F2. The crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data (R = 0.024). Lileyite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, a = 19.905(1), b = 7.098(1), c = 5.405(1) angstrom, beta = 96.349(5)degrees, V = 758.93(6) angstrom(3), Z = 2. The strongest lines of the powder diffraction pattern [d, angstrom (I, %) (hkl)] are: 3.749 (45) (31-1), 3.464 (76) (510, 311, 401), 3.