Lower panel: Relative expression intensities of DC surface marker expression are given as mean fluorescence intensities (MFIs), normalized to the MFI of unstimulated or stimulated MO-DCs left untreated. Data represent
the means ± SEM of 4-5 independent experiments each. (b) Contents of IL-6 and IL-12p40 in the FG-4592 ic50 supernatants of harvested MO-DC populations were assayed by ELISA. Data represent means ± SEM of 10 independent Elafibranor experiments each. nd: not detectable. Statistical significance: (a) *versus untreated MO-DCs, (b) *versus unstimulated untreated MO-DCs, #GA-treated at stimulated versus unstimulated state. (a, b) *P < 0.05, ##,** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. MO-DCs at an unstimulated state expressed the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-12 at low levels, but at high extent after stimulation (Figure 2b). GA treatment alone exerted no effect on the production of either mediator by MO-DCs under basal conditions. However, when coapplied during stimulation,
GA attenuated the otherwise activation-associated increase of either cytokine. Taken together, these findings suggest that GA differentially affects the immuno-phenotype of MO-DCs, depending on their state of activation. GA impairs the migratory capacity of MO-DCs Enhanced migratory activity constitutes another hallmark of activated DCs. This functional property is regulated in part by the actin-bundling protein fascin (Fscn)1 [22], which also serves to promote DC/T cell interaction as a prerequisite for T cell stimulation [23]. Expression of Fscn1 in unstimulated HSP inhibitor MO-DCs was slightly reduced after treatment with GA, and its stimulation-associated upregulation was strongly inhibited in MO-DCs cotreated with GA during stimulation Forskolin manufacturer (Figure 3a). These results suggested
detrimental effects of GA on the cytoskeletal plasticity of MO-DCs, which in turn may alter their migratory capacity. To this end, we performed migration assays in 3D collagen gels, intended to mimic the in vivo environment [24]. Unstimulated MO-DCs were not affected by GA pretreatment in their spontaneous migration in terms of distance covered during the time monitored (Figure 3b). While stimulated MO-DCs were characterized by an enhanced mobility, cotreatment with GA during stimulation resulted in a diminished migratory activity in terms of distance covered and speed. Figure 3 GA impairs the migratory activity of stimulated MO-DCs. Groups of MO-DCs were generated as described (see legend of Figure 2). (a) Expression of the actin-bundling protein Fscn1 was assessed by intracellular flow cytometry. Data represent the means ± SEM of MFI intensities of 6 independent experiments. (b) Spontaneous migration of MO-DC populations in 3D collagen matrices was monitored for 6 h by time lapse analysis in intervals of 2 min. Graphs represent the means ± SEM of around 80 MO-DCs per group individually tracked in two independent experiments compiled.