Lifetime and feasible to evaluate the quality of t of a very complex procedure in critically ill patients. . Reference (S Tolwani AJ Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2006 1: curves 0 551 79 87 EFFICIENCY in blood purification combined therapy of acute through direct H moperfusion with a B polymyxin immobilized S column FIBER and continuous use sen H modiafiltration MLN8054 an H mofiltermembran poly septic shock patients Sakamoto1 Y., K. Mashiko1, Obata2 T., H. Matsumoto1 1emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba H Hokusou Pital, Nippon Medical School, Chiba, 2molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Medicine DNA, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo , Japan INTRODUCTION. Septic shock is a condition associated with diffuse coagulopathy and multiple organ failure, and then leads to death h to do frequently.
direct H moperfusion GSK690693 with a polymyxin B immobilized Fasers column (PMX DHP was first developed in 1994, Japan and was used for the treatment of septic shock. In particular, we start ons DHP PMX generally within three hours of the diagnosis of septic shock. On the other hand, there is another column of type of venoven continuous se H mofiltration, H modiafiltration H mofiltermembran with a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA CVVHDF help, we reported on the effectiveness of clinical treatment of sick patients in both crinically therapies. METHODS. We treated 34 patients with septic shock with acute physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II score of more ..
than 20 per DHP PMX We studied the efficacy of PMX DHP therapy by comparing the improvement rate APACHE II score, high blood pressure in another post, the patients were divided into three groups: n namely a group with the CVVHDF PMMA Therapy by DHP PMX (17 F lle, Group 2, wherein using a polyacrylonitrile membrane CVVHDF H mofilter (PAN therapy after DHPPMX (6 F lle, and group 3, in which CVVHDF not according to DHP PMX (11 F lle carried out. Results and evaluation improvement in laboratory parameters (IL-6, protein C, PAI-1, endocannabino of, HMGB 1 and oxidative stress in the three groups were compared. RESULTS. The mean APACHE II score and sepsis related organ failure assessment (SOFA score was 30.2 and 12.7, respectively. The overall survival rate was 55.9% (good outcome as assessed by the APACHE II score. The rate of improvement in blood pressure (increase of over 30 mmHg were 58.
8% (good effect, as if from a systematic review (1st For another criticism, which showed the group a better outcome (survival rate of 76, 5% in comparison to other groups (survival rate of 33.3% for group 2, group 3 for 36.4%. In addition, only group 1 showed significant improvements in serum PAI-1 (before treatment vs. 155.6ng/ml 90.5ng/ml on day 3, p0.0041, protein C (34.2% before treatment in compared to 40.0% on day 3, p0.0433, IL-6 (13915.6pg/ml before therapy vs. 1052.1pg/ml on day 3, p0.0477, N arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA levels (553.0pg / ml before treatment vs. 477.6pg/ml on day 3 and p0.0235 marker for oxidative stress (F2 isoprostane (552.8pg / ml before treatment vs. 370.8pg/ml on day 3, p0.0368. CONCLUSION.
Our study suggests that early introduction PMX treatment, where DHP good results. Moreover therapies for blood purification target, continuous H mofiltration and CVVHDF (CVVHF were as effective differ for the removal of inflammatory cytokines and mediators. Although several types of columns for CVVHDF were used, only a few reports have the Influence of the column to that shown using CVVHDF on the rate of elimination of the above factors. Our results suggest that CVVHDF using PMMA after DHP PMX treatment have a number of factors removed, and improved the survival rate of patients with severe septic shock. reference (S (DN 1CruZ, Pera Zella MA, Bellomo R, et al Effectiveness of polymyxin B immobilized Fasers column in sepsis:. A systematic review of the Critical Care 2007, 11, S142 R47 ESICM 21st annual meeting in Lisbon, Portugal 21 24 .
. September 2008 Poster Session of children and newborn care: 0552 0563 0552 CONTINUE WITH PARENTS rest of their children in the intensive care unit reduced its emergency Serafim1 AP, MF Lira1, V. Coradini1, DC Junior2 1Pediatric ICU, since H Pital Regional Asa Sul, 2Department of. Pediatrics, University of t was of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study to assess whether the plight of children in the p pediatric intensive care unit presented (PICU affected by was the parents’ kept constantly with their child or not design Methods ..:. prospective observational study Setting: PICU at H Pital Regional da Asa Sul (Brasilia, Brazil PATIENTS. A sample approved of children to the USIP t Ao 2002 to January 2003 at the age 1-153 months, study design. The sample was divided into two groups: One group of children of parents who remained st flush with their child has been composed. w while in the other group of parents didn0 t