Atification about the urgency or the type of treatment based MODIFIED not the difference. Two years PHA-739358 Aurora Kinase inhibitor survival rate was 72.1% for patients younger than 80 and 59.5% in the age group of 80th A 5-year follow-up were 66.7 and these figures amount to 47.6%. The median survival time for patients Older than 80 years was 43.6 months versus 65.4 7.2 3.0 months for those under 80 years. CONCLUSION. Our liberal strategy of treating patients with DD was with satisfactory results, the associated short and long term for the Achtzigj YEAR OLD. Even with a devastating event such as AAAA, a median survival time of more than 3.5 years k Can in Achtzigj YEAR OLD can be achieved, may need during the duration of hospital stay is not in comparison to the recent history agrees on and the natural disease would give a survival rate close to zero%.
Assuming an integrated management system is available AAA, advanced age is no reason for denying surgery patients or ICUadmission. 0667 cefepime-induced Neurotoxizit t: A retrospective analysis of JNJ-38877605 943540-75-8 51 cases J. F. Guerra, R. Vajra o, ML Pereira, JM Teles, RH Passos intensive care unit of H Pital Salvador, Salvador, Brazil INTRODUCTION. A meta-analysis of studies comparing anti-Pseudomonas beta-lactam antibiotics in the treatment of serious infections Hospitalar concluded that cefepime obtained with a Hten mortality t compared to other beta-lactams was associated. It has been speculated that the induced Neurotoxizit t, which may be associated with cefepime with her. The aim of our study was to investigate all F Fill cefepime-induced Neurotoxizit t Ver published in the medical literature.
He was on the pr Predisposing factors and clinical characteristics of concentrates. METHODS. We searched the databases PubMed, SciELO and Lilacs for cefepime publications from 1998 to April 2008. We chose incl Induced dependent on the publications Neurotoxizit t of cefepime. The search was on h ufigsten used cefepime, with one of the following combination: encephalopathy, Neurotoxizit t, the brain toxicity of t,,, seizure, status epilepticus, and neuropsychiatric data were analyzed retrospectively to these elements. RESULTS. The search retrieved 19 articles reporting a total of 51 patients (26 M Men, aged 15-94 years (mean age 63.6 years. Febrile neutropenia was the hour Most frequent indication for treatment of cefepime (23.5%, followed by pneumonia (21.
5% and urinary tract infection. (13.7% assay of cefepime ranged from 1 9g/day (mean. 3.7 degrees of kidney failure and variable time to onset was present in almost all fifty F very two percent of they had CrCl 15ml/min \ and 60%. of these patients were on renal replacement therapy. on h ufigsten reported neurological symptoms were myoclonus (No. 27, the confusion (No. 24, coma (n 12, agitation (n 10 and seizure (n = 9 About 70% of the patients had encephalopathy compatible EEG. status epilepticus not desperately in 3M men and 5 women developed with an average age of 62.6 (17.8 years, all had renal failure. The average latency develop the symptoms of 6.5 days. Treatment on h ufigsten reported cefepime was removed, followed in the comments ant by anti-epileptic therapy.
The overall mortality t was 30.2%. CONCLUSION. doctors should be the m adjusted Neurotoxizit t of cefepime. There may be a erh Hten mortality t are connected. changes in prescribing this drug, neurological Ver, such as myoclonus, confusion mpfen, coma, restlessness and Kr be considered the diagnosis of drug Neurotoxizit t. the Bev lkerung of concern are renal failure and in patients aged 21. annual conference ESICM Lisbon, Portugal 21 September 24 2008 S171 0668 FEATURES h hemodynamic and respiratory cancer after surgery BRAIN comparison clock T T sedation for SHORT-TERM POSTOPERATIVE Vanstraelen1 K., C. Deyne1, J. Wuyts2, F. Weyns2, E. Vandermeersch3, R. Heylen1 1Anaesthesiology, 2Neurosurgery, Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg, Genk, 3Anaesthesiology, the h Pital Universit t Leuven, Leuven, Belgium INTRODUCTION.
intracerebral H hematoma and brain which are the most important the most feared complications after surgery of tumors of the brain. Hypertension is a known risk factor for intracerebral production hemorrhaghe postoperatively, w worsen during hypotension and hypoxia of neuronal injury k can . Therefore, the emergence of anesthesia for surgery brain tumors should ensure systemic stability t (METHODS kardiovaskul re and respiratory parameters. This prospective study was performed to early postoperative systemic complications after emergence in at Anesthesiology in points the operating room awake at the end of surgery or rehabilitation compare (in up to 4 hours after admission to the intensive care unit .. In a 2-year period, 142 points for elective surgery of brain tumors planned randomized to early awakening (71pts sedation or short-term postoperative propofol (We 71pts. analyzed and compared the H FREQUENCY of respiratory events (hypoxemia as PaO 2 defines \ 90 mmHg, as the events hypercapnia [PaCO2 46mmHg and cardiovascular (increase of defined blood pressure greater than 30% baseline, systolic blood pressure. RESULTS. Patients were Awak