Profiles were recorded at 280 nm (dotted lines) and 664 nm (dashe

Profiles were recorded at 280 nm (dotted lines) and 664 nm (dashed lines). c Size exclusion chromatography recorded at 280 nm (dotted lines) and 664 nm (dashed lines) of the monomer (black) and dimer (gray) enriched fractions collected after a previous step of size exclusion chromatography (b PSII-A, gray profile). Elution fractions compositions of the two pools used for these experiments were analyzed by BN-PAGE (inset). The boxes in the inset indicate the two pools collected for the runs. d BN-PAGE

of thylakoids (T, 8 μg Chl) solubilized according to protocol A (on the left) or protocol B (on the right). The lanes labeled with PSII show the correspondent PSII samples (8 μg Chl), used as a reference. The boxes labeled with anti-D1 represent Maraviroc research buy the R788 cost western blots for the D1 subunit in the thylakoids after 2nd dimension SDS-PAGE, whereas below the second dimension SDS-PAGES are shown Fig. 2 On the left side the BN-PAGE of samples obtained with protocol A (lane PSII-A) and protocol B (lane PSII-B) is shown (a), the lane M indicates the standard. The associated western blotting reaction using anti-PsbS for the samples PSII-A, PSII-B, and the thylakoids (T) at the level of the PSII monomers is also shown (b). Loading was equivalent to 5.1 μg Chl

for PSII-A and 3.2 μg Chl for PSII-B. On the center-right the second dimension SDS-PAGE obtained after a BN-PAGE of PSII-B as a first dimension is shown (c). On the right the western blots for anti-PsbS (from the whole gel) and anti-D1 (from the lane of monomers) are depicted (d) Based on those findings, we used BN-PAGE to analyze the thylakoids

solubilized according to protocol A or B. These thylakoids showed different but reproducible separation patterns depending on the solubilization protocol (Fig. 1d). Western blots on second dimension SDS-PAGE helped to identify the main constituents and also to estimate the ratio between PSII monomers and dimers. From those tuclazepam experiments the absence of dimeric PSII in thylakoids prepared according to protocol B was evident by the absence of any anti-D1 signal at the respective mass, whereas when using the harsher protocol A, D1 could be detected for both monomeric and dimeric PSII (Fig. 1d). As observed in other reports, in both cases the D1 signal resulted in two pools of spots equivalent to D1 monomers and D1 aggregates that migrate at almost double of the expected mass (Ishikawa et al. 1999). In order to test whether the results observed were only related to the His-tag present in the transplastomic strain, the same procedure was carried out using wild-type tobacco plants. Those experiments revealed the same solubilization patterns (data not shown). In order to define whether those results were somehow representative of the composition of the thylakoid membrane, we calculated the yield for both preparations.

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