wheres codminis trtion of m mo NME, NO synthse inhibitor , ttenuted MCiuced NO Salidroside production. the sme time, the positive contro, bue tiger king ectin, so iuced NO production . There ws no detectbe ipopoysc chride n environmenty vibe NO iucer; ref. contmintion in MC dt not shown. Furthermore, the NO production cytotoxicity iuced by MC t m mo ws prtiy bocked by cotretment with the p MPK inhibitor, , t dose of m mo C. These resuts suggested tht MC tretment ctivted the p cscde incresed the downstrem production of NO, resuting in ce toxicity. MC ctivtes medited poptosis but hs no effect on the expression of cssic Bc fmiy proteins in NPC poptosis is executed by group of cysteinedepeent sprttespecific proteses termed s which prise distinct csses, the inititors such , the effectors incuding others; ref. We further eucidted the invovement of such s in MCiuced ce deth. s shown in B, MC tretment resuted in dosedepeent timedepeent .
hours ctivtion of the inititor s , the executor in both . ccord ingy, ctivtion eding to PRP Maraviroc cevge ws observed. Becuse ctivtion is initited by cyto chrome c in cytops, we further confirmed tht MC enhnced cytochrome c trnsoction into the cyto psm , in turn, ctivted C. Further more, the inhibitor ZVDFMK m mo decresed MCiuced poptosis in both NPC D. On the other h, in view of the reports tht some Bc fmiy proteins re invoved in medited popto sis cecyce rrest , the protein eves of some representtive Bc fmiy members were investigted. Cncer Prev Res; Jnury Cncer Prevention Reserch Downoded from cncerpreventionreserch.crjourns on March .The ntitumor ctivity of Momordic Chrnti ectin on NPC ure MC iu G ce cyce rrest D É m copse in NPC fter tretment with MC m mo for hours, were stined with propidium iodide, DN content ws mesured by fl ow cytometry foowed by ssessment using WinMDI .
Resuts were presented s percentge of in G , S, G M phses of the ce cyce, showed tht MC iuced mrked G rrest in both B. MC tretment reduced the protein expression of cycin D phosphoRb. Protein eves were mesured by Western bot b tubuin ws used s contro. C, quntittive dt of the expressed eves of cycin D phospho Rb. The qunti fi ction of different Western bots is shown, done with ImgeJ softwre. D, fter tretment with MC m mo for hours, D É m copse ws mesured by flow cytometry using JC stining. Percentge of uergoing D É m copse ws recorded. versus contro. Unexpectedy, MC did not significnty ffect the protein expression of Bid, Bk, Bc, even t the dose of . ner IC vue fter tretment for hours dt not shown. MC hts the growth of ce xenogrft tumors fter showing the ntitumor potenti of MC in vitro , we went on to ssess its effect in nude mice. fter subcutneous Phloridzin 60-81-1 inocution of nude mice with for dys, the tumor xenogrft ws ppbe tretment ws initited. Two groups were invoved in the experiments, incuding the MC group treted with mg MCkg body weight for consecutive dys i.p . mgkgd, wheres the contro group ws treted with PBS insted. s shown in , MC hted tumor growth on the fourth dy dy of dministrtion. This effect ws consistent, on the th dy dy , nery reduction of tumor voume ws observed. On dy , mice were scrificed the men tumor weights of both groups were pred. s B shows, MC significnty decresed the men tumor weight crjourns Cncer Prev Res; Jnury Downoded from cncerpreventionreserch.crjourns on March .
ssocition for Cncer Reserch Pubished OnineFirst September , ; DOI:..CPR Fng et . ure . ctivtion of p MPK iuction of downstrem NO in MCtreted NPC MC stimutes the p, JNK, ERK pthwys. fter tretment of NPC ce ines with m mo MC for the iicted durtions h, ce ystes were prepred seprted by SDS prior to immunobot detection of phosphoryted buy Phloridzin .