The epithelium is also con stantly turned over during adult life. Since transcription factors regulate differentiation and are relatively easy to study, a large fund of knowledge e isted for transcription factors in the gut that could suggest functions for ICK. This was a major motivation for our study. We found that FO A1 and FO A2, B catenin activate an ICK reporter. These factors are known to regulate proliferation and dif ferentiation in the intestinal epithelium. Recently, mutation of ICK was linked to neonatal deaths in humans. A study of a cohort of malformed new borns in Old Order Amish families revealed R272Q mutation of ICK as the probable cause of a severe reces sive, endocrine cerebro osteodysplasia syndrome. R272Q mutation causes loss of nuclear localization and kinase activity of ICK.
Abnormalities occurred in multiple systems, including bone, brain, and endocrine tissues. If the R272Q mutation in ICK can be confirmed as causally related to the ECO syndrome, ICK is unequivo cally required for normal development. The finding war rants testing a similar knock in mutation in mouse. MAK has been knocked out in mice with no phenotype noted e cept for reduced fertility and reduced sperm motility. Lack of a clear phenotype for a MAK knockout may be due to presence of ICK. However, the mild motility phenotype mentioned for sperm may be significant. A single ICK MAK homolog in Leishma nia me icana regulates morphogenesis of the flagella. Loss of Lm MP9 causes elongated flagella whereas overe pression of Lm MPK9 causes shortened or no fla gella.
Genetic studies of flagella morphogenesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identified a CCRK homolog as well as a homolog of MOK as having function in flagellar morphogenesis. These links to flagella phenotypes seem abstruse for human disease e cept for the fact that there is a major developmental pathway in cells that respond to Sonic hedgehog that depends on primary cilia. CCRK inter acts with Broadminded in the Sonic hedgehog pathway. We believe the cluster of genes ICK, MAK, and MOK may be regulated by CCRK and play a role in Sonic hedgehog signaling that was preceded in evolution by roles in flagellar morphogenesis in unicellular eukaryotes. Another possible function for ICK is cell cycle regula tion. The related kinase in budding yeast Ime2p controls a checkpoint that times meiotic S phase and controls meiotic progression. ICK Brefeldin_A can affect the cell cycle since reducing its e pression in Colo205 cells causes arrest in G1. The interactors suggest leads for ICK function to the degree that the functions of the interactors are under stood. One interactor is multifunctional PP5, a pro tein phosphatase that recognizes substrates by a docking domain.