These genetic interactions are specific, as mutations in componen

These genetic interactions are specific, as mutations in components of AP1 (AP47SAE-10) and AP3 (garnet1) showed no enhancement of nak-associated dendritic phenotypes ( Figures S7E–S7G and 8B, columns 9 and 10). Mutations (DPF-to-AAA) reducing interaction with AP2 render Nak incapable of rescuing the dendritic

defects. As AP2 acts to recruit clathrin to endocytic sites, this functional link between Nak and AP2 implies that the dendritic defect in nak mutants is caused by the disruption of CME. Consistent with this notion, mutations in Chc also interact genetically with nak in dendrite morphogenesis, and Nak and clathrin are colocalized in dendrites. Thus, we suggest that Nak functions CT99021 datasheet through CME to promote dendrite development. Being an Ark family kinase implicated in CME, Veliparib Nak might function similarly to AAK1 that is known to regulate the activities of clathrin

adaptor proteins via phosphorylation in cultured mammalian cells ( Conner et al., 2003 and Ricotta et al., 2002). Consistently, we show that Nak kinase activity is indispensable for its ability to rescue dendritic defects. Disrupting dynamin activity in shits1-expressing neurons exhibited stronger defects than nak mutants. In addition to endocytosis, dynamin is known to act in the secretory pathway ( McNiven and Thompson, 2006). Given the known role of the secretory pathway in dendrite morphogenesis, it is possible that only

endocytic aspect is disrupted in nak mutants, but both secretory and endocytic aspects are affected in shi mutants. We showed that clathrin- and Nak-positive structures in da neurons were preferentially localized to the branching points of higher-order dendrites. Unlike Rab4, Rab5, and Rab11 that are mobile in dendrites, these clathrin/Nak puncta are stationary. Importantly, we were able to correlate the localization of these stationary clathrin/Nak puncta with motility of local terminal dendrites. Electron transport chain The clathrin puncta in higher-order dendrites probably represent sites where populations of clathrin-coated vesicles actively participate in endocytosis. Consistent with this, these clathrin-positive structures are enriched with PI(4,5)P2, which is known to assemble endocytic factors functioning in the nucleation of clathrin-coated pits (Mousavi et al., 2004). The proximity and tight association between localized endocytic machinery and polarized growth have been described in several systems, including the extension of root hair tips, the budding of yeast cells, and the navigation of axonal growth cones (Lecuit and Pilot, 2003, Ovecka et al., 2005 and Pruyne and Bretscher, 2000). Thus, while the mechanism remains to be determined, the requirement of CME in cellular growth appears conserved.

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