This variable expression makes these endophenotypes amenable to statistical approaches utilizing quantitative trait methodologies.11-14 Thus, the picture that was painted is that for many of these endophenotypes, there are: (i) findings of deficits in schizophrenia patients versus click here normal comparison subjects; and (ii) the deficits are identified across the schizophrenia spectrum (including schizotypal personality disordered patients and clinically unaffected family members of schizophrenia patients) (Table I)15-47 In addition, across the schizophrenia spectrum, it is observed that increasing deficits in
these endophenotypes are noted with increasing genetic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical load or genetic risk. For example, groups of first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients typically have a greater level Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of endophenotypic abnormality than groups of second-degree relatives, etc. Thus, there is the explicit assumption that “levels” of genetic relative risk48 act as powerful predisposing factors that make the individual vulnerable to developing schizophrenia (Figure 2). In parallel, as the power of “strong inference”49 in molecular biology became apparent, the understanding
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the template of “DNA to RNA to protein” became very important across all species. In concert with these findings, the human genome project has identified the sequence of basepairs that characterize the human genome. The challenge for understanding the basis of mendelian-dominant genetic disorders (eg, Huntington’s disease) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and the many “partially” genetic disorders (eg, hypertension, diabetes, bipolar disorder, Tourette syndrome, and schizophrenia; (Figure 1) is to parse the clinical heterogeneity and complexities into understanding the genetic architecture and nongenetic contributions into quantitative measures that are amenable to analysis
via advanced statistical quantitative trait analytic genetic methods.11-14 Thus, for a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical complex psychiatric illness like schizophrenia, the relationship between genes, gene products, and the disorder itself is hardly straightforward. Indeed, an understanding of the exact cascade of DNA to RNA to (abnormal) protein to endophenotypic dysfunction in schizophrenia has remained elusive, but is amenable to serious investigations and analyses. Table I. Neurophysiological and neuropsychological Temsirolimus cell line endophenotypes: effect size difference between schizophrenia patients, normal comparison groups, and schizophrenia spectrum groups. Effect sizes in schizophrenia patients, clinically unaffected relatives of schizophrenia … Because of the complexity of schizophrenia and the fact that it is a “fuzzy” diagnostic phenotype, a number of strategies have been utilized in order to understand the genetic underpinnings of the disorder.