To survive in such a competitive environment, bacteria developed

To survive in such a competitive environment, bacteria developed a number of different strategies. One such strategy is the production of antimicrobial compounds to inhibit growth of competitors (Paul & Clark, 1996; Tate, 2000). In addition to classical antibiotics that target essential structures or processes within the bacterial cell, antimicrobial activities, often based on biophysical

effects, can also be assigned to ionophores, ion-channel DAPT datasheet forming agents or biosurfactants (Berdy, 2005). Biosurfactants are surface-active molecules synthesized by microorganisms. They consist of a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic part and are able to reduce surface tension and enhance the emulsification of hydrocarbons. Biosurfactants are commercially used for bioremediation processes as well as the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and food industries (Banat et al., 2000). Rhamnolipids are biosurfactants produced by the soil bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These surface-active molecules are glycolipids composed of one or two l-rhamnose moieties and one or two β-hydroxydecanoic acid residues (Soberon-Chavez et al., 2005). The synthesis from rhamnose and fatty

acid precursors is catalyzed by the products of three genes, rhlABC, and regulated in a cell density-dependent manner by quorum sensing. The amount and composition of synthesized rhamnolipids depends on growth conditions and available carbon source (Soberon-Chavez et al., 2005). Rhamnolipids have been shown to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and, but to a much Dapagliflozin lesser extent, also against Gram-negative Apoptosis Compound Library clinical trial species (Itoh et al., 1971; Lang et al., 1989). They modify the cell surface by increasing

its hydrophobicity and membrane permeability (Vasileva-Tonkova et al., 2011). Although the production of rhamnolipids by P. aeruginosa is well understood (Soberon-Chavez et al., 2005), only little is known about the physiological reaction to the presence of this biosurfactant. The response to antimicrobial compounds that interfere with the cell envelope integrity has been extensively studied in the model organism Bacillus subtilis. Here, the regulatory network of the cell envelope stress response is mediated by two regulatory principles: two-component systems (TCS) and extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ factors. Four TCS (BceRS, LiaRS, PsdRS and YxdJK) and at least three ECF σ factors (σM, σW and σX) have been described to respond to cell wall antibiotics, such as vancomycin, bacitracin, or cationic antimicrobial peptides (Jordan et al., 2008). Bacillus subtilis inhabits the same environment as the rhamnolipid-producing species P. aeruginosa. Therefore, we decided to investigate the response of B. subtilis to rhamnolipids by genome-wide DNA microarray analysis followed by hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed genes and phenotypic characterization to gain a first insight into this interspecies competition.

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