We will focus on data from humans and animal models in which B ce

We will focus on data from humans and animal models in which B cells and antibodies are targeted to reduce inflammation in transplantation. This will include a review of the immunomodulatory drug intravenous immunoglobulin, anti-CD20 (rituximab) where more clinical experience PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor drugs has been reported. Finally, we will discuss emerging B-cell-directed therapies which include those directed at the B-cell activating factor of the tumor necrosis family/A proliferation inducing ligand,

anti-CD22, newer anti-CD20 monoclonals and antibodies to the interleukin 6 receptor (tocilizumab).


The primary objective of this review is to define the critical role of B cells in development of alloimmunity and how this can be modified by B-cell-directed therapies.”
“Whilst not all anesthetists have a regular pediatric commitment there is a need for out of hours cover of pediatric anesthesia. We have attempted to determine who covers pediatric AZD6244 MAPK inhibitor anesthetic services in the District General Hospital setting.

A postal

survey of 170 consultant anesthetists in nine District General Hospitals was conducted looking at who is responsible for pediatric anesthetics and emergencies out of hours as well as pediatric anesthetic experience, resuscitation training and continuing professional development (CPD).

There was a 62% response rate with 98% of the consultants with on call duties also covering pediatric anesthetic emergencies. Fifty percent of consultants who responded were within 4 years of a pediatric-specific resuscitation course, of which 93% had found it useful. However, 40% had never completed a pediatric resuscitation course or it could be considered out of date. Sixty-three percent of consultants had had some sort of pediatric anesthetic update in the last 4 years.

General anesthetists are responsible for elective and emergency anesthetics as well click here as the care of critically ill children outside

of specialist centers. This is despite a proportion of these consultants not having regular pediatric experience, not having completed a recent pediatric resuscitation course and without pediatric anesthetic CPD.”
“Purpose of review

Improvements in prevention and management of cellular rejection of solid organ transplants, coupled with increasing numbers of sensitized patients, have focused attention on antibody-mediated rejection (AbMR). Complement is a critical component of AbMR, in addition to interfacing between innate and adaptive immunity and the coagulation cascade. This article reviews complement biology and strategies to overcome complement in AbMR, cognisant that antibody can act independently of complement.

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