abies windfall; \( nIt_k \) is a KPT-330 cell line number Fedratinib price of I. typographus maternal galleries in distinguished 0.5 m-long stem section k (k = 1, 2,…, 50) in the P. abies windfall; a 0k , and a 1k are parameters of linear functions for the section k. For each stem section calculations were made, including: (1) parameters of regression functions (a 0k , a 1k ), (2) the coefficient of correlation (r k ), (3) the mean relative error of estimation
(sw k ): $$ sw_k = \sqrt \frac1n_k – 2\sum\limits_w = 1^n_k \left( D_\textts_w – a_0k – a_1k nIt_k_w \right)^2 \frac1\barD_\textts $$ (4)where \( \barD_\textts = \frac1n_k \sum\limits_w = 1^n_k D_\textts_w ;\;D_\textts_w \) is the total density of stem infestation (number selleck chemicals llc of maternal galleries/m2) in the whole P. abies windfall w; \( nIt_k_w \) is a number of I. typographus maternal galleries in distinguished 0.5 m-long stem section k (k = 1, 2,…, 50) in the P. abies windfall w; \( \barD_\textts \) is the mean total infestation density of the windfall (tree-level); n k is a number of windfalls which have the section k. In total, calculations were made for 50 functions (sections from 1st to 50th). For the latter 50th section, the calculations
involved 20 windfalls (20 windfalls without tops had the length of at least find more 25 m). The parameters of regression functions were estimated by the least square method. After the calculations had been completed, the best functions were selected, namely those for which the correlation coefficient values were highest and the mean relative errors of estimation lowest. The analyses were carried out using Mathematica 5 (Wolfram 2003) and Statistica 6.1 (StatSoft 2004). Stand-level analyses Background The procedure is dependent on the number of trees downed by the wind in
winter and spring in a given year, as well as on the size of the area investigated. While assessing the I. typographus population density, field inspections and assessment of the number of windfalls in late winter and early spring should be carried out in the first place. Three possibilities were distinguished: (1) the number of windfalls is too small (there are less than 30 windfalls in the area investigated)—an additional certain number of trap trees can be randomly located within the area investigated so that the total number of windfalls and trap trees was at least 30 P. abies stems; (2) the number of windfalls is appropriate (the whole population of windfalls consists of about 30–50 P. abies stems in the area investigated)—the research should be extended to the whole population of windfalls (Fig. 2); Fig. 2 Example of the use of the small-area method. In the area investigated, the total population of P.