The wide usage of WSNs in monitoring applications makes people��s life easy but they may cause violation of privacy. Untrusted parties can access selleck Regorafenib the collected information by eavesdropping, physically capturing the sensors, or bypassing authentication to remotely access sensors or central databases [1]. Data encryption, key distribution and authentication mechanisms can limit the effects caused by these types of threats. Applicability of these mechanisms are not straightforward in WSNs, due to limitations like physical capturing possibility of cryptographic credentials or limited battery usage. Many studies proposed various methods Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in order to solve these security problems under the limitations of WSNs [2,3].Restricting the details of information Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries gathered by WSN is required for limiting the privacy risks originated from untrusted parties.
On the other side, privacy requirements of individuals also force the designers of WSNs to carry out some restrictions for data shared with trusted parties. These trusted parties are actually sinks in WSNs. There are mainly two reasons for these types of requirements: First, the trusted party can be captured physically by un-trusted Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries parties. Especially in applications where attackers have high motivation or where major vulnerabilities exist, including lack of physical security, data shared with trusted parties have to obey some privacy criteria. Enemy tracking, health monitoring, or wild-life monitoring applications are examples for these types of applications. The second reason is that individuals generally want to hide detail information of their personal lives directly from the trusted party.
For example, in applications where health monitoring is performed outside the hospital, individuals do not want their exact location and time Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries information to be sent to hospital particularly in non-urgent times. However, they may want to weaken their privacy requirements in urgent times in order to get appropriate medical helps. If there are many sinks in WSN, requirements of individuals may change for each sink as well. Revisiting health monitoring applications, information about individuals may be sent to the family members as well as to hospital. In these applications, individuals may be willing to share more detail information with their family members but not necessarily with the hospital.2.1. Privacy Preserving Data Publishing vs.
Anacetrapib Privacy Preserving Data MiningMany studies about data privacy has been done in the database field under the selleck bio name of ��privacy preserving data publishing�� [4]. The main aim is to provide privacy of data tables which are exchanged by other parties. At first glance, it may be assumed that privacy problem can be easily solved by stripping off the attributes which identifies individuals like name, social security number, etc.