“Introduction: To identify the predisposing factors, etiol

“Introduction: To identify the predisposing factors, etiological and clinical characteristics as well as the Fournier’s gangrene (FG) severity index (FGSI) in the outcomes of patients with

FG. Materials and Methods: The data from 71 patients diagnosed with FG in a period of 17 years were retrospectively reviewed for the age of the patient, their history, predisposing factors, etiology, prodromal symptoms, FGSI, culture results, hospitalization period, surgical interventions, responses to the therapy and complications. Results: All of the patients were Caucasian males, and the mean age was 61.3 (range 36-92) years. The mean duration from the onset of symptoms to surgery was 7.5 days. The mean hospitalization time was 27.4 days and the most common etiological factor for FG was a perineal Dorsomorphin concentration abscess. The overall mortality rate was 29.6%. The relationship between the number of predisposing factors and mortality rates in patients

with FG was the most statistically significant parameter (p = 0.001). Conclusions: Multiple predisposing factors predict a poor prognosis and correlate significantly with mortality. Extension of the disease and the FGSI score were not predictive of outcome. The most essential intervention for stopping the rapidly progressing JQ1 Epigenetics inhibitor infectious process of FG consists of early recognition of the disease, proper management of the predisposing factors and aggressive surgical debridement. Such an intervention can improve clinical outcomes. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel”
“A diode with Sb-doped p-type ZnO, MgZnO/ZnO/MgZnO double heterostructure, and undoped n-type ZnO layers was grown on c-plane sapphire substrate by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy. Hall effect measurement showed that the top p-type Sb-doped ZnO layer has a hole concentration of 1 x 10(17) cm(-3). Mesa geometry light emitting diodes were fabricated with Au/Ni and Au/Ti Ohmic contacts on top of the p-type and

n-type layers, respectively. Ultraviolet emission was achieved, which yielded an output power of 457 nW at 140 mA. The enhancement of the output power is attributed to carrier confinement in the good-quality intrinsic layer of the double heterostructure. The spatial distribution of light Rigosertib emission was characterized. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3598136]“
“This study describes 977 children with imported malaria in England and Wales between 2004 and 2008, focusing on 29 (3.0%) patients admitted to intensive care, of whom 10 had cerebral malaria, 4 required inotropes, and 1 had concurrent septicemia. The remaining 14 were admitted for monitoring only. None died, but 1 child developed cerebellar infarction.”
“Background: Afferents from the urinary tract transmit bladder sensations to the central nervous system. Spinal cord injury (SCI) may affect both efferent motor and afferent sensory pathways.

1% at one year) whereas the least gain was found in a silent roo

1% at one year). whereas the least gain was found in a silent room with the voice coming from straight ahead (11 9% at one year).

Conclusions Pure-tone average gain at one year post-Insertion was

similar to immediate post-insertion gain. BAHA aids speech discrimination most when the voice originates AZD1208 datasheet from the side of the affected ear with confounding noise facing the patient. Speech discrimination gain improves with time, suggesting an underlying learning process The best BAHA gain in speech discrimination occurred with background noise. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The use of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) has exponentially increased in the past decade due to their unique physical and chemical properties at nano-scales [1]. They are added to a myriad of materials and compositions. The key question is

not if NPs will enter environmental compartments buy Fludarabine but rather when. The fate and the stability of NPs in the environment play important roles in determining their environmental distributions and probably control the risk to human health through exposure. Emissions of nanomaterials (NMs) could be intentional or unintentional but occur in particulate, aggregate or embedded states.

Despite environmental transformations and changes in their surrounding environment, metallic NPs (M-NPs) tend to exist as stable colloidal aggregates or dispersions. Characterizing NPs and NMs in environmental samples implies determination of their size, their chemical VX-770 Transmembrane Transporters inhibitor composition and their bulk concentrations

in the matrix. Differential size filtration is the most commonly used method to isolate NPs from aqueous matrices. Micro-filtration, nano-filtration, cross-flow filtration, and ultracentrifugation are usually employed to achieve the highest degree of segregation.

Chemical characterization of NPs and NMs has traditionally been done using transmission/scanning electron microscopy (TEM/SEM) followed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). However, because of their intrinsic limitations, methods have also been combined and validated [e.g., size exclusion and ion chromatography (SEC and IC) with multi-element detection (inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry and optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-MS and ICP-OES)].

This review describes the current state and the challenges of isolating, segregating and detecting M-NPs in environmental samples. A simple case study shows a common procedure for the analysis of NPs in complex aqueous matrices. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Molecular imaging is a novel field in gastroenterology that uses fluorescently labelled probes to specifically highlight neoplastic lesions on the basis of their molecular signature.

56, P <

56, P < https://www.selleckchem.com/products/U0126.html 0.05). Concomitantly, anti-inflammatory IL-10 transcript levels decreased in (TID), relative to increased expression in the absence of TID (P < 0.05). The potential influence of IL-10 was observed upon calculation of individual pro-verses anti-inflammatory mRNA ratios. Stable in the presence of depression, TNF-alpha/IL-10 and IL-1beta/IL-10 mRNA ratios declined significantly over time in its absence (P < 0.05). This study suggests that in chronic HCV infection, upon pegylated IFN administration persistent pro-inflammatory cytokine MRNA expression associates with TID. In contrast, therapeutic activation of mechanisms that decrease pro-inflammatory immunity may protect

against depression during therapy.”
“Background: Existing trials of varenicline have typically excluded smokers with concurrent medical and psychiatric illnesses and no data exist comparing effectiveness of varenicline with combination pharmacotherapy. This study evaluated abstinence and psychiatric outcomes of various tobacco dependence medications, including varenicline.

Methods: Retrospective cohort of 723 smokers, most with significant medical and psychiatric comorbidity, SRT2104 order was evaluated at the UMDNJ-Tobacco Dependence Clinic from 2006 to 2008. Demographics, measures of tobacco

dependence and co-morbidities, and a validated instrument measuring psychological distress (Kessler-6) were obtained. Primary outcome was 7-day point abstinence at 6 months after target quit date.

Results: Cessation medications used included combination pharmacotherapy (39%), single nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or bupropion (29%),

and varenicline (23%), with 9% using no medications. Overall, 23% of patients were abstinent at 6 months. In an adjusted regression model, smokers using varenicline or combination medications were more likely abstinent at 6 months than those selleck chemical using no medications (adjusted odds ratio = 2.99; 95% confidence interval = 1.20-7.47 and 2.80; 1.15-6.82, respectively), but not statistically higher than those using single medications (AOR = 1.70). Age, gender, education, marital status, cigarettes per day, time to first cigarette, night smoking, and menthol smoking were not significantly related to abstinence. Varenicline or combination medications did not significantly increase serious psychological distress over the treatment period compared to other medication options.

Conclusions: Both varenicline and combination pharmacotherapy were effective and did not increase psychological distress for up to 6 months in smokers with co-morbidities treated at a specialty clinic. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Cellular apoptosis appears to be a constant feature in the adult testis and during early development. This is essential because mammalian spermatogenesis is a complex process that requires precise homeostasis of different cell types.

The diagnostic yield and the differences of the cytology and hist

The diagnostic yield and the differences of the cytology and histology were analysed.


The evaluation of 45 lesions by EBUS-TBNA revealed that tumour cells were equally detected by both 21G and 22G needles. Two patients of adenocarcinoma Selleckchem Adavosertib were histologically diagnosed only by the 21G needle. Although histological structure was better preserved in five lesions collected by the 21G needle, there was more blood contamination with the 21G needle (P < 0.0001).


There were no differences in the diagnostic yield between the 21G and 22G needles during EBUS-TBNA. The preserved histological structure of the samples obtained by the 21G needle may be useful for the

diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar adenopathy of unknown aetiology which may be a challenge with the 22G needle.”
“Three field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of sowing date and plant density on phenology, fruit yield and essential oil quality of three anise cultivars Selleckchem THZ1 (Pimpinella anisum L) at two different

ecological conditions Gross-Gerau and Giessen. Germany. The experiments were designed as RCBD under factorial plot arrangement with two factors: cultivars in main plot and plant densities in subplots realized in two sowing dates. Results showed that aniseed sown on April 1st had higher fruit yield in comparison with two weeks delayed sowing. Delayed sowing induced strong effects on yield contributing parameters such as branches/plant, umbels/plant, fruits/plant

and 1000-fruit weight which were all reduced. The highest fruit yield was related to lower plant densities of 39 plants m(-2) (Giessen) and 200 and 374 plants m(-2) (Gross-Gerau). Higher plant density reduced branches/plant, umbel/plant, fruits/plant and 1000-fruit weight and led to lower fruit yield. The essential oil concentration of anise fruits was not affected by different levels of plant densities. A higher concentration see more of essential oil was synthesized in delayed sowing date in Gross-Gerau 2009 as compared to earlier sown anise plants. The essential oil concentration of anise showed no remarkable variation regarding sowing date and plant density. Cv. Hild Samen synthesized a significant higher concentration of estragol and trans-anethole. From all tested cultivars cv. Hild Samen was characterized by lowest fruit yield as well as lowest essential oil concentration. For successful cultivation, aniseed should be sown as soon as possible in April with a plant density of 50-200 plants/m(2) considering soil conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“OBJECTIVE: This study sought to outline the clinical and laboratory characteristics of minimal change disease in adolescents and adults and establish the clinical and laboratory characteristics of relapsing and non-relapsing patients.

Conclusions: Economic downturns in the 2000s did not substantiall

Conclusions: Economic downturns in the 2000s did not substantially influence the national growth trends for hip and knee arthroplasty in the United States. These latest updated projections KU-57788 provide a basis for surgeons, hospitals, payers, and policy makers to plan for the future demand for total joint replacement surgery.”
“Thermally induced phase separation in liquid crystalline polymer (LCP)/polycarbonate (PC) blends was investigated in this study. The LCP used is a main-chain type copolyester comprised of p-hydroxybenoic acid and 6-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid. Specimens for microscopic observation were prepared by melt blending. The specimens were heated

to a preselected temperature, at which they were held for isothermal phase separation. The preselected temperatures used in this study were 265, 290, and 300 degrees C. The LCP contents used were 10, 20, and 50 wt %. These parameters corresponded MEK inhibitor to different

positions on the phase diagram of the blends. The development of the phase-separated morphology in the blends was monitored in real time and space. It was observed that an initial rapid phase separation was followed by the coarsening of the dispersed domains. The blends developed into various types of phase-separated morphology, depending on the concentration and temperature at which phase separation occurred. The following coarsening mechanisms of the phase-separated domains were observed in the late stages of the phase separation in these blends: (i) diffusion and coalescence of the LCP-rich droplets; (ii) vanishing of the PC-rich domains following the evaporation-condensation mechanism; and (iii) breakage and shrinkage of the LCP-rich domains. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 117: 2651-2668, 2010″
“A major challenge

OICR-9429 Epigenetics inhibitor in ecology is forecasting the effects of species’ extinctions, a pressing problem given current human impacts on the planet. Consequences of species losses such as secondary extinctions are difficult to forecast because species are not isolated, but interact instead in a complex network of ecological relationships. Because of their mutual dependence, the loss of a single species can cascade in multiple coextinctions. Here we show that an algorithm adapted from the one Google uses to rank web-pages can order species according to their importance for coextinctions, providing the sequence of losses that results in the fastest collapse of the network. Moreover, we use the algorithm to bridge the gap between qualitative (who eats whom) and quantitative (at what rate) descriptions of food webs. We show that our simple algorithm finds the best possible solution for the problem of assigning importance from the perspective of secondary extinctions in all analyzed networks.

The present study assesses orbital volume and ocular complication

The present study assesses orbital volume and ocular complications in patients associated with

Crouzon and Apert syndromes.

During an 8-year period starting in 2002, fronto-orbital advancement was used for cranial expansion on 23 cases S63845 of syndromic craniosynostosis. Of those, it was possible to evaluate 5 Crouzon and eight Apert syndrome cases. Orbital volume was measured using multislice CT scans. Both preoperative and postoperative orbital volumes were compared with normal orbital volume.

Preoperative orbital volume was 5.8 to 10.0 cm(3) (mean, 7.1 cm(3)) in patients with Crouzon syndrome and 7.2 to 10.8 cm(3) (mean, 9.1 cm(3)) in patients with Apert syndrome. Postoperative intraorbital volume was 9.4 to 11.2 cm(3) (mean, 10.4 cm(3)) in patients with Crouzon syndrome and 11.6 to 13.2 cm(3) (mean, 12.4 cm(3)) in patients with

Apert syndrome. The mean of orbital volume relative to the normal volume was 58% preoperatively and 74% postoperatively in patients with Crouzon syndrome and 69% (56-81%) preoperatively and 88% (81-95%) postoperatively in patients with Apert syndrome.

In conclusion, orbital volume was smaller selleckchem in the Crouzon syndrome group than in the Apert syndrome group, and symptoms, such as exophthalmos and exotropia, were noted in the Crouzon syndrome group. Orbit expansion did not fully restore normal orbital volume, but in most cases, it was useful for alleviation of preoperative symptoms (exophthalmos/eyeball prolapse, corneal erosion, conjunctivitis).”
“Nanomedical applications of biodegradable poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide)

(PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) developed are discussed in this review. A surface-functionalized PLGA NP platform selleck for drug delivery was established to encapsulate a number of macromolecular drugs such as peptides and nucleic acids as well as low-molecular-weight drugs by the emulsion solvent diffusion method. The interaction of PLGA NPs with cells and tissues could be controlled by changing the surface properties of NPs, suggesting their potential utility for the intracellular drug delivery of nucleic acid-based drugs. Furthermore, orally administered NF-kappa B decoy oligonucleotide-loaded CS-PLGA NPs are also useful in treating experimental colitis. These approaches using surface-modified PLGA NPs could be able to open new possibilities for nucleic acid-based drug delivery via noninvasive administration method.”
“We present an overview of current analytical methods for selected halogenated flame retardants (HFRs), focusing on instrumental determination using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. We based the strategy for literature search on recent articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals or conference proceedings.

The P(I) gradually becomes independent of temperature below appro

The P(I) gradually becomes independent of temperature below approximate to 5 K, which suggests a crossover of the escape process from thermal activation to quantum tunneling at such a high temperature. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3236666]“

2009; 32:1101-1104).”
“In the current study, our investigation of inhibitory compounds from the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction of 95% ethanol extract of Thunberg’s Geranium (Geranium thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc.; TG) was followed by identification of the inhibitory compounds by a combination of HPLC microfractionation and an enzyme assay in a 96-well plate. Structural analyses of the active compounds were carried out using LC-MS (n) . The main compound inhibiting yeast alpha-glucosidase in this plant was tentatively identified as geraniin by LC-MS (n) . Six compounds, Small molecule library BAY 63-2521 p-hydroxybenzoic acid (1) (IC50 > 362.32 mu M), brevifolin carboxylic acid (2) (IC50 > 171.23 mu M), geraniin (3)

(IC50 =4.09 mu M), ellagic acid (4) (IC50 = 63.91 mu M), kaempferol-3-O-arabinofuranosyl-7-O-rhamnopyranoside (5) (IC50 =27.70 mu M), and kaempferitrin (6) (IC50 > 86.51 mu M) were isolated from the active EtOAc-soluble fraction of TG on yeast alpha-glucosidase. However, the 6 isolated compounds were very weak inhibitory activity against mammalian alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase. This study suggests that the developed HPLC microfractionation with an enzyme assay system is one of the powerful tools for rapid screening and identification of enzyme inhibitors in complex extracts.”
“The total cross section has been measured for the electron induced dissociation of trimethyl (methylcyclopentadienyl) platinum (IV) [MeCpPt(IV)Me(3)], a Pt precursor often

used in focused electron beam induced processing https://www.selleckchem.com/products/AZD1152-HQPA.html (FEBIP), for incident electron energies ranging between 3-3 keV. Measurements were performed for the precursor in the adsorbed state under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The techniques used in this study were temperature programmed desorption, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Two surfaces were used in these experiments, amorphous carbon overlayers containing embedded Pt atoms (a:C-Pt), formed by the electron decomposition of the Pt precursor, and atomically clean Au. The results from these three experiments revealed a comparatively low total cross section at 8 eV (4.2 +/- 0.3 x 10(-17) cm(2) on the a: C-Pt and 1.4 +/- 0.1 x 10(-17) cm(2) on the Au) that increases with increasing incident electron energy, reaching a maximum at around 150 eV (4.1 +/- 0.5 x 10(-16) cm(2) on the a:C-Pt and 2.3 +/- 0.2 x 10(-16) cm(2) on the clean Au), before decreasing at higher incident electron energies, up to 3000 eV.

75×1 2×2 0mm(3)) Two radiologists reviewed the dataset with cons

75×1.2×2.0mm(3)). Two radiologists reviewed the dataset with consensus reading. During laparoscopy, which was used as reference standard, all lesions were characterized according to the revised criteria of the American Fertility Society. Patient-level and region-level check details sensitivities and specificities and lesion-level sensitivities were calculated.

ResultsPatient-level sensitivity was 42% for stage I (5/12) and 100% for stages II, III and IV (25/25). Patient-level specificity for all stages was 100% (3/3). The region-level sensitivity and specificity was 63% and 97%, respectively. The sensitivity

per lesion was 61% (90% for deep lesions, 48% for superficial lesions and 100% for endometriomata). The detection rate of obliteration of the cul-the-sac was 100% (10/10)

with no false positive findings. The interreader agreement was substantial to perfect (kappa=1 per patient, 0.65 per lesion and CB-839 Proteases inhibitor 0.71 for obliteration of the cul-the-sac).

ConclusionsAn optimized 3.0-Tesla MRI protocol is accurate in detecting stage II to stage IV endometriosis.”
“AimEven though polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by increased inflammatory activity and insulin resistance, there is no clinical data about whether risk of atrial fibrillation are increased in these patients. We aimed to evaluate atrial conduction parameters predicting atrial involvement in this patient group.

MethodsThe study population comprised 50 women 18-40 years of age who had been diagnosed with PCOS. The patients were divided into two groups: lean women (L-PCOS) with a body mass index (BMI) under 25kg/m(2) and obese women (O-PCOS) with a BMI greater than 30kg/m(2). Twenty-five age-matched lean healthy women were enrolled voluntarily as the control group. Difference between maximum and minimum P-wave duration was calculated and was defined as

P-wave dispersion (Pd). Inter- and intra-atrial electromechanical delays (inter-AED, intra-AED, respectively) were https://www.selleckchem.com/products/th-302.html measured with tissue Doppler imaging.

ResultsInter- and intra-AED parameters were higher in the L-PCOS group when compared with control subjects (anova, P=0.004 and P=0.013, respectively), and were also significantly higher in the O-PCOS group compared with other groups (anova, P<0.001 for both). The regression analyses indicated that Homeostasis Model of Assessment – Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) (=0.603, P<0.001) and BMI (=0.379, P<0.001) were the independent predictors of inter-AED, HOMA-IR (=0.835, P<0.001) was an independent predictor of intra-AED, and BMI (=0.457, P=0.006) and the left atrial diameter (=0.350, P<0.034) were independent predictors of Pd.

ConclusionConsequently, our findings provide data regarding prolonged atrial conduction parameters in PCOS patients, especially when accompanied by obesity.

(6) Applicable lessons learned from other countries should be inc

(6) Applicable lessons learned from other countries should be incorporated into BTC strategies. In addition to implementation recommendations, we also summarize additional evidence that needs to be gathered to optimize the BTC model.

Conclusion: Based on the accumulated evidence, comments to FDA’s request, and information from other countries, implementation of a BTC model probably is feasible in the United States. However, the optimal model remains uncertain and Cilengitide inhibitor various aspects of a program need to be prioritized

and rigorously tested.”
“Background: Models of hepatitis C virus (HCV) kinetics are increasingly used to estimate and to compare in vivo drug’s antiviral effectiveness of new potent anti-HCV agents. Viral kinetic parameters can be estimated using non-linear mixed effect models (NLMEM). Here we aimed to evaluate the performance of this approach to precisely estimate the parameters and

to evaluate the type I errors and the power of the Wald test to compare the antiviral effectiveness between Screening Library two treatment groups when data are sparse and/or a large proportion of viral load (VL) are below the limit of detection (BLD).

Methods: We performed a clinical trial simulation assuming two treatment groups with different levels of antiviral effectiveness. We evaluated the precision and the accuracy of parameter estimates obtained on 500 replication of this trial using the stochastic approximation expectation-approximation algorithm which appropriately handles BLD data. Next we evaluated the type I error and the power of the Wald test to assess a difference of antiviral effectiveness between the two groups. Standard error of the parameters and Wald test property were evaluated according

to the number of patients, the number of samples per patient and the expected difference in antiviral effectiveness.

Results: NLMEM provided precise and accurate estimates for both the fixed effects and the inter-individual variance parameters BIX 01294 even with sparse data and large proportion of BLD data. However Wald test with small number of patients and lack of information due to BLD resulted in an inflation of the type I error as compared to the results obtained when no limit of detection of VL was considered. The corrected power of the test was very high and largely outperformed what can be obtained with empirical comparison of the mean VL decline using Wilcoxon test.

Conclusion: This simulation study shows the benefit of viral kinetic models analyzed with NLMEM over empirical approaches used in most clinical studies. When designing a viral kinetic study, our results indicate that the enrollment of a large number of patients is to be preferred to small population sample with frequent assessments of VL.”
“Objective: To assess the clinical and economic impact of a pharmacist-focused health management program for patients with depression.

Design: Prospective, nonrandomized, proof-of-concept investigation.

e ,one water heater for one user, (r)

e.,one water heater for one user, (r) Z-DEVD-FMK ic50 radial, i.e., N users supplied via radial pipes from a central heater, (2) dendritic network constructed by pairing N users around a central heating, and (4) dendritic network constructed by quadrupling the elemental areas occupied by the users. We show that there is an optimal cluster size (N) as a

tradeoff between central losses and distributed losses. We also discover that several distinct (abrupt) design “”transitions”" must exist: the recommended design changes through designs 0, r, 2, and 4, as the amount of water used by each individual increases in time with the standard of living. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3516155]“
“PURPOSE: To determine the change in dioptric power on excised human corneoscleral buttons after microwave keratoplasty application and to determine the qualitative effect on the cornea using

histology and scanning electron microscopy.

SETTING: Department of Academic Ophthalmology, Rayne Institute, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, United Kingdom.

METHODS: Excised human corneoscleral buttons were treated with a prototype microwave keratoplasty ring applicator. A 28.12 W, 1-second application was performed on the corneas using a 6.0 mm diameter inner conductor and an 8.4 mm diameter outer conductor. Videokeratography was performed with a topographic modeling system (TMS-1) before and after microwave keratoplasty. The induced change in Ricolinostat corneal curvature was calculated using the mean dioptric power of rings situated 2.0 to 6.0 mm from the geometrical apex of the corneas. Scanning electron microscopy and toluidine-blue light microscopy were performed to determine the effect on the corneal stroma.

RESULTS: Six excised corneoscleral buttons from 6 donors were used. The mean reduction in curvature after microwave keratoplasty application was 3.07 diopters +/- 2.62 (SD). Scanning and light microscopy showed microwave-induced shrinkage of corneal stromal collagen with little disturbance to the overlying check details epithelium.

CONCLUSION: Microwave keratoplasty reduced corneal curvature and has therapeutic potential as a noninvasive alternative

to excimer laser surgical correction of myopia and as a treatment for corneal ectasia.”
“A chemical investigation of the chloroform extract of the roots of Uvaria welwitschii (Annonaceae), an African traditional medicine taken for stomach ache, led to the isolation of eight new compounds, named welwitschins A-H (1-8), together with five known compounds (9-13). The structural elucidation by spectroscopic studies of the compounds isolated is described. All new compounds were flavonoids having a 2-hydroxy-3,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl moiety in the A-ring, and unsubstituted phenyl in the B-ring. Four of them (1-4) were monomeric flavonoids while the others (5-8) were dimeric flavonoids. The cytotoxicity of the isolated compounds against human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells was investigated.