Thus, superior immunisation combined with an ‘early’ IgG (H + L)<

Thus, superior immunisation combined with an ‘early’ IgG (H + L)

secondary serum antibody response upon challenge, was correlated with the highest protection, as observed for group 2 (polyplex IM). MOMP-specific serum IgA was detected in one animal (titre 1/30) of PFI-2 group 3 at the time of challenge (i.e. 2.5 weeks post-booster vaccination). The IgA titre remained the same until euthanasia. MOMP-specific IgM and IgG serum titres are presented in Table 4. Low level IgM titres were first observed for groups 2 and 3, 2.5 weeks post-booster vaccination with brPEI-pcDNA1/MOMPopt. This confirms the results of Table 3 and thus the superior immunisation of the polyplex groups. Low level IgG titres were first observed 2 weeks PC (7.5 weeks of age) in all groups. At that time, mean IgG and IgM titres in groups 2 and 3 were higher than in group 1. At 9 weeks of age, mean IgM titres for the immunised

groups were not significantly different, while mean IgG titres for groups 2 and 3 were significantly Selleckchem Antidiabetic Compound Library higher than for groups 1 and 4. Nasal MOMP-specific antibodies were determined at challenge and at euthanasia. At challenge, IgG (H + L) antibodies could be demonstrated in two animals of group 2 (OD405 of 0.105 and 0.119) and in one animal of group 3 (OD405 of 0.115). However, the OD405 values were extremely low (cut-off value = 0.080). At that time, no MOMP-specific IgA, IgM or IgG could be detected using cross-reactive chicken isotype-specific antibodies. On the contrary, total IgG (H + L) antibodies could be demonstrated in all vaccinated and control animals at the time of euthanasia (Table 5). Mean OD405 values for mucosal IgG (H + L) were the highest for group 3, followed by groups 4,

2 and 1. However, statistics revealed no significant differences between all groups. Again, no mucosal IgA or IgM antibodies were detected using cross-reactive chicken isotype-specific antibodies, and nasal IgG antibodies could only be detected in one animal of group 4 (OD405 = 0.184; cut-off value = 0.131). Proliferative responses of PBLs to rMOMP of vaccinated and non-vaccinated turkeys were determined Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease at euthanasia. Mean stimulation indices (SI) are shown in Table 5. The PBLs of turkeys of group 2 showed significantly higher proliferative responses than the PBLs of the other groups. PBL responses of turkeys of group 1 were statistically the same as the responses in turkeys of group 3. The PBL responses of challenged controls (group 4) were significantly lower than of the immunised turkeys. The highest proliferative response was clearly correlated with the best protection. At euthanasia, proliferating CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets were identified by flow cytometry, staining the T-cell subpopulations by use of monoclonal cell surface markers. Flow cytometry revealed a significantly higher mean percentage of CD4+ T-cells for group 2 compared to groups 1 and 3. The mean percentage of CD4+ T-cells in groups 1 and 3 were statistically the same.

AREB members proposed support for a new comprehensive demonstrati

AREB members proposed support for a new comprehensive demonstration project of PrEP vaccination in school children, to be implemented in the Philippines in early 2010. The aims of the project are to complement current experience, to confirm the feasibility of PrEP vaccination, to evaluate the efficacy of PrEP in preventing rabies in children check details who live in areas where dog rabies has not been eliminated, and to estimate the health and economic impact of the PrEP strategy. Administration of PrEP to infants is an alternative approach to vaccinating school age children and has the advantage that protection begins at an earlier age. Clinical

trials conducted in Thailand [9] and in Viet Nam [10] and [11] have shown that rabies vaccine can be safely and effectively administered at the same time as routine pediatric vaccines, e.g.: the Japanese encephalitis vaccine [9], or the combination vaccine against

diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and poliomyelitis (DTP-IPV) [10] and [11]. Integration of rabies vaccine into the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) would facilitate access to the targeted population and minimize operational costs. AREB members thus recommended that demonstration projects should be conducted to evaluate the feasibility of introducing rabies vaccination into the EPI in countries where the risk of rabies is high. PrEP implementation is not intended Anti-diabetic Compound Library to eliminate the need for

management of rabies exposure, nor to compromise vaccine availability for PEP. AREB members agreed that PrEP programs must be coupled with complementary strategies aiming at increasing dog vaccination coverage, raising public awareness and education, and increasing access to and compliance with PEP. In Thailand, the number of human rabies deaths decreased from 200–300 in the of early 1980s to the present level of less than 20 annually—this is thanks to outstanding management of dog bite victims and the use of modern cell-culture vaccines. However, rabies is not yet controlled in the dog population in Thailand [12] as 500,000 bite victims still required rabies PEP in 2008. Consequently, large-scale PrEP immunization of children has been advocated to further reduce the number of rabies deaths, but financial barriers have hindered its implementation until now. Cost-effectiveness studies have shown that childhood immunization programs increase the initial total annual expense of immunization (PrEP and PEP), but the cost gradually decreases, and in the long term would be equal to that of PEP without pre-exposure childhood immunization [13]. Another cost-analysis study showed that the total expense would reach equilibrium after 15 years and that the time required to reach breaking point can be shortened proportionally to successful implementation of dog population control measures.

Role of funding source The study was designed by scientists from

Role of funding source. The study was designed by scientists from Merck & Co., Inc, with substantial input from PATH staff and site investigators. Investigators and their institutions were funded by PATH’s Rotavirus Vaccine Program, under a grant from the GAVI Alliance. Merck was involved in all stages of the study. PATH staff independently monitored study execution at sites and participated in pharmacovigilence, data analysis and meetings of the Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB). All authors had full access to the data. The corresponding author had final responsibility for

the decision to submit for publication. buy Metformin Study subjects (n = 7679) were screened and 7504 (98%) subjects were randomized (3751 PRV: 3753 placebo) with 3348 (89.2%) PRV recipients and 3326 (88.6%) placebo recipients eligible for the per-protocol efficacy analyses ( Fig. 1). Exclusions from the per-protocol efficacy analyses were due to subjects incorrectly receiving vaccine or placebo (3 PRV:1 placebo), less than 3 doses (129 PRV:134 placebo),

laboratory-confirmed natural rotavirus infection before 14 days after the third dose FLT3 inhibitor (12 PRV: 16 placebo) incomplete clinical data (255 PRV: 268 placebo), and lost to follow up (4 PRV: 8 placebo). The median follow-up time starting 14 days post-dose three for the analyses was 523 days in the vaccine group and 524 in the placebo group. Efficacy against RVGE. The point estimates for efficacy against RVGE increased with increasing severity of gastroenteritis episodes ( Table 1). The

efficacy against very severe RVGE (Vesikari score, ≥15) was 67.1%, 95% CI (37.0, 83.9) during the first year of life, 33.8% 95% CI (−15.7, 62.8) during the second year of life and 51.2% 95% CI (26.3, 68.2) during the total follow-up period (nearly two years of observation). There were too few cases with higher scores (≥19), as measured by the VCSS, to make it possible to evaluate higher degrees of severity. Efficacy against all-cause GE. The efficacy of the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine against all-cause severe GE (Vesikari score, ≥11) during the first year of life was 23.0%, 95% CI (5.4,37.3) and 15.3%, 95% CI (1.7, mafosfamide 27.1) over the course of the study ( Table 2). For all-cause very severe GE (Vesikari score >15), the point estimate for efficacy during the first year of life was 35.9%; 95% CI (5.4,57.0) and was 27.4%, 95% CI (2.7, 46.0) for the total follow-up period: Given a point estimate of 58.9% for efficacy against severe RVGE, an efficacy of 23% for all-cause severe GE, 39% of severe GE during the first year of life was caused by rotavirus at the five sites. For very severe GE, applying the same equation (with a point estimate of 67.1% for efficacy against very severe RVGE) suggests that 53.

Hence, HPV vaccinees were less likely to have an unprotected sexu

Hence, HPV vaccinees were less likely to have an unprotected sexual debut than were non-vaccinees. The difference SCH772984 relative to non-vaccinees was large and highly significant for organized vaccinees (adjusted odds ratio (95%CI): 0.27 (0.15; 0.48)), while it was less pronounced for opportunistic vaccinees (0.69 (0.52; 0.93)).

To our knowledge, this is the largest study to date addressing the association between HPV vaccination and sexual behaviour in several countries. Since events that happen prior to HPV vaccination cannot be related to the vaccination, we investigated sexual behaviour occurring subsequent to vaccination. This approach addresses the issue of risk compensation [11] more precisely than analyses that do not take the sequence of vaccination and sexual behaviour into account. Our analyses show that women vaccinated prior to sexual debut did not differ from unvaccinated women in terms of age at first intercourse or subsequent number of sexual partners, and that they had a lower frequency of unprotected sex at first intercourse. This indicates that the experience of being vaccinated against HPV does not lead to an increase in sexual risk taking behaviour. Hence, we found no evidence of risk compensation among HPV vaccinees.

We addressed sexual risk compensation separately for opportunistic and organized catch-up vaccination. Further studies are needed to investigate whether the findings of this study also apply to organized GW572016 vaccination of prepubescent girls. Opportunistic vaccination has been shown to be associated with high socioeconomic status [5], which is also likely to apply to our study since most opportunistic vaccinees had to pay the entire vaccine cost. In contrast, organized catch-up vaccination was free of charge

and initiated by individual invitation, and may hence have been less influenced by socioeconomic status. We did not find evidence for sexual risk compensation in any of the vaccination all settings investigated, which indicates that socioeconomic status did not strongly influence our assessments of sexual behaviour by vaccination status. Note that we adjusted all analyses for educational level, a proxy for socioeconomic status that may be associated with sexual behaviour [31] and [32]. Contrary to the hypothesis of risk compensation, some of our analyses showed that HPV vaccinees had a less risky sexual behaviour subsequent to vaccination than did non-vaccinees. It is conceivable that individuals with a greater awareness of sexual health are more likely to get the HPV vaccine, or that the event of HPV vaccination increases individual awareness of sexual health. Individuals who seek vaccination could also be generally more risk averse. Previous studies also observed that HPV vaccinees do not have a more risky sexual behaviour profile than do non-vaccinees.

(2010) suggest that this tissue also participates in the expressi

(2010) suggest that this tissue also participates in the expression and propagation of seizures. The cerebellum coordinates smooth motor activities and processes muscle position (Hansen and Koeppen, 2002). More studies are needed to evaluate the association of these tissues with epileptic seizures. The results of the present study demonstrate that both organic and conventional grape juices show important neuroprotective effects against PTZ-induced oxidative damage in rats. This effect could be important in reducing neuronal damage and, therefore, allow for a better quality of life for epileptic patients. Additionally, the open field test (Fig. 1) shows that neither grape juice affects

the behavior (locomotor and exploratory activities) of animals. Still, organic grape juice shows a tendency to decrease the anxiety of the rats. These CH5424802 order findings indicate that grape juices will provide further insights into natural neuroprotective compounds and may lead to the development of therapeutic strategies for epileptic

Selleck Selisistat patients in pharmaceutical or nutraceutical areas. The authors would like to thank the staff of the Laboratories of Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants, especially Aline Cerbaro, Bárbara Costa and Taís Pozzer, as well as José Inácio Gonzalez for their contributions to the treatment of the animals. We also thank Vinícola Perini and Cooperativa Aecia de Agricultores Ecologistas

Ltda. for providing the grape juices. We thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS)-PRONEX/CNPq number 10/0044-3 for their financial support of this research study. “
“The authors regret that in the original manuscript, the wrong Western blot was erroneously displayed for actin. This has been corrected in this revised panel. Correct actin immunoblot for Fig. 9A is shown below. Figure options Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slideThe authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. “
“Gangliosides are a large family of glycosphingolipids, structurally characterized from by a ceramide hydrophobic core linked to an oligosaccharide chain, which usually contains at least one sialic acid residue. They are synthesized in the Golgi apparatus through sequential glycosylation and sialylation of a glucosylceramide moiety (Tettamanti, 2004). Gangliosides amount to 10% of the brain membrane lipid content and act as the functional lipid component of the membrane rafts; they play important biochemical roles in cell biology, taking part in some processes like cell differentiation and maturation, synaptogenesis, intercellular communication, neuronal plasticity, and cell death/survival processes.

Due to the dynamic nature and flexibility of our model design, va

Due to the dynamic nature and flexibility of our model design, various vaccines, vial sizes, and dose schedules for these countries may be modeled to examine the trade-offs between vial sizes, wastage rates and total program costs. This tool can serve to assist policy makers in weighing several complex issues in effective vaccine stewardship. “
“Attitudes to vaccination can be seen as a continuum ranging from total acceptance to complete refusal. Vaccine-hesitant individuals are a heterogeneous group within

this continuum. Vaccine-hesitant individuals may refuse some vaccines, but agree to others, delay vaccination or accept vaccination although doubtful about see more doing so [1] and [2]. Vaccine hesitancy is present when vaccine acceptance is lower than would be expected in the context of information provided and the services available. The phenomenon is complex and context-specific, Selleck SCR7 varying across time and place and with different vaccines. Factors such as complacency, convenience, as well as confidence in vaccines(s) may all contribute to the delay of vaccination or refusal of one, some or almost all vaccines [3]. The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization has recognized the global importance of vaccine hesitancy as a growing problem.

The SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy was set up with the mandate to examine the evidence and provide advice to SAGE on how to address vaccine hesitancy and its determinants Resveratrol [4]. In order to map the influential contributing factors, the SAGE Working Group developed a matrix of determinants of vaccine hesitancy based on a systematic literature review

[5]. This matrix acknowledges the scope of vaccine hesitancy, and differentiates between contextual, individual, group, and vaccine- or vaccination-specific factors that influence the acceptability for vaccination [6]. In April 2013, SAGE recommended that interviews be conducted with immunization managers (IMs) [7], who have oversight responsibility at state and national levels for an immunization programme, in order to better understand the variety of challenges existing in different settings [3] and [8]. This paper reports the results of the interviews conducted between September and December 2013. The SAGE Working Group developed a guide for the conduct of telephone-based interviews, designed for qualitative capture of unanticipated responses and assessment of known determinants of vaccine hesitancy. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews [9] and [10]. To obtain a representative sample of countries with a broad range of socioeconomic settings and population sizes over all regions, a purposive sampling technique was used. Criteria for selection included: i.

In the public availability period (2002–2010), vaccine was public

In the public availability period (2002–2010), vaccine was publicly funded. The independent variables in the Poisson model included: linear trends within each time period (1994–1998, 1999–2001, 2002–2010), sex, age-group (<10 years, 10–44 years, 45–64 years, 65 years or older), co-morbidity status (any vs. none) and two-way interaction terms (age-group × sex, age-group × co-morbidity, Fluorouracil cell line time-period × age-group, time-period × sex, sex × co-morbidity). An alpha level of 0.05 was used to test for significance

of interaction terms. As the two-way interactions for co-morbidity  × age-group and for co-morbidity × sex were significant at 0.05, a three way interaction term (age-group × sex × co-morbidity) was added to the model. The goodness of fit statistic (deviance goodness of fit 1.6) indicated this was an appropriate model. C646 There was no difference between the pre-licensure and private availability period, so these periods were pooled for the final model without affecting model fit. In sensitivity analysis, we modelled only first episodes of shingles to determine the impact of modelling numbers of episodes rather than numbers of individual persons. Secular trends are described using

locally weighted scatter plot smoothing (LOESS) curves [13]. SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) was used for all data manipulation and analysis, except the LOESS which was carried out using SigmaPlot 11.0 (Systat Software, San Jose, CA). The study was approved by the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board of the University of Calgary

(E 23776, E17522). Fig. 1 shows that crude rates of medically attended shingles episodes increased over the interval 1994–2010. (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate The crude rate for 1994 was 3.5 per 1000 person-years. This increased to 3.8/1000 person-years in 1998, to 4.0/1000 person-years by 2001 and to 4.5/1000 person-years by 2010. Most patients (90%) had only a single episode of shingles; 8% had 2 episodes and 2% had more than 2 episodes (data not shown). As can be seen in Table 2, for the overall interval 1994–2010, 59% of medically attended shingles episodes (cases) occurred among females. Rates were higher among females than males over the entire interval, and increased more rapidly for females than males (Fig. 2). Less than 2% of shingles cases had one or more co-morbidities in the 12 months prior to shingles diagnosis and this proportion remained stable throughout all three periods studied (Table 2). A slightly higher proportion of female than male cases had a co-morbidity and this pattern was also stable over all three periods studied (data not shown). Only 4% of shingles cases were hospitalized over the interval 1994–2010; however this proportion declined over the 3 periods of varicella vaccine availability from 5.1% to 3.4% (Table 2).

In this study, we estimated the age-specific incidence of B pert

In this study, we estimated the age-specific incidence of B. pertussis infection, based on a cross-sectional sero-epidemiological survey of the distribution of high anti-PT titer sera, established by standardized criteria [14]. Information about the sero-prevalence of high levels selleck products of anti-PT antibodies in combination with the post-infection antibody decline rate allows the quantification of the extent of B. pertussis infections in various age groups irrespective of clinical manifestation and

reporting compliance. The threshold titers employed in this study were of an equivalent level to those cut-offs reported by de Melker et al. as diagnostic of recent or active infection with B. pertussis [9]. High levels of anti-PT IgG antibody may also be due to previous vaccination. However, numerous results from clinical trials of acellular and whole-cell MK0683 solubility dmso vaccines

have shown that high antibody titers wane 12–18 months following the primary vaccination course in almost all vaccinees [15]. During the study period, primary pertussis vaccination in Israel has been targeted routinely only at the infant age group with a fourth shot administered at 12 months. No booster doses were given at the time of serum sampling to older age groups. Although anti-PT titers rapidly decrease to very low levels within 1 year following vaccination [16], the first 3 years of life were excluded from the analysis of incidence of infection in order to avoid an influence by previous exposure to vaccine. Our results clearly show that despite a high vaccination infant coverage rate (>93%) in Israel, there is still a considerable circulation of B. pertussis, particularly in adolescents and elderly. In 2000, about 2.4% (or 2448 per 100,000) of the Israeli population

older then 3 years of age had previously experienced infection next with B. pertussis revealing a striking discrepancy between rates of infection and rate of reported disease for several reasons. For example, pertussis is under-diagnosed and under-reported, as similarly observed in other countries; [12] and [17] in The Netherlands, the estimated rate of infection is more than 600-times higher than the notified case numbers [12]. Studies also suggest that only 40–50% of pertussis cases show a classic clinical manifestation of a paroxysmal cough [18], often leading to a misdiagnosis as a general respiratory infection and a failure to investigate for pertussis. Hence, the amount of under-reporting varies by age, and has been shown to be higher for older children, adolescents, and adults than for younger children. It is also well documented that individuals with a primed immune system develop a mild variant of the disease [19] and [20]. Based on our analysis, we are not able to determine the clinical manifestation of infections.

3 to 3% The V rotiferianus was also characterized for its toler

3 to 3%. The V. rotiferianus was also characterized for its tolerance toward heavy metals and antibiotics. Recurrent studies all over the world regarding heavy metal and antibiotics effect on bioluminescent bacteria revealed their sensitivity to even nanomolar quantities, which in turn makes them one of the imminent biomarkers or bioassay systems. Studies for the heavy metal resistance demonstrated that the bacterial strain is resistant to low concentrations of cadmium chloride, copper sulfate, mercuric chloride, lead acetate, zinc chloride and arsenous oxide. Isolated

luminescent bacterial strain showed fine intensity of luminescence in presence GSK1349572 of FeCl3, ZnCl2, PbSO4, salts while it was faded in presence p38 MAP Kinase pathway of HgSO4 whereas it is completely inhibited in presence of CuSO4, CoCl2 salts. V. rotiferianus found sensitive to the seven antibiotics tested while it showed resistance for ampicillin, sulphamethoxazole & furazolidone. When the isolate was grown only in presence of antibiotic ampicillin

the luminescence was enhanced which has indicated that ampicillin is acting as probable inducer of lux operon. 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the isolates revealed a 1423 bp rDNA gene sequence and by BLAST analysis culture was identified as V. rotiferianus. The isolated strain shown ability to sense even pico and nanomolar quantities of pharmaceutical pollutants such as remnant of antibiotic and heavy metals & hence offers to be a potential biosensing agent for the development of prospective biosensor. All authors have none to declare. The financial support under the Major research already project sponsored by University Grant of Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi is gratefully acknowledged. “
“Tuberculosis is a chronic bacterial

infection, voices the World Health Organization1, 2 and 3 and caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In many parts of the world, the limitation is to use the combination of only five drugs to treat TB effectively, namely rifampicin (RIF), isoniazid (1NH), ethambutol (ETH), streptomycin (STR) and pyrazinamide (PZA). Limitations involved in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis are because of secondary line drugs such as ethionamide, aminosalicylic acid, cycloserine, amikacin, kanamycin and capreomycin are toxic in nature and cannot be employed simultaneously. 4 The reemergence of TB infection is further complicated by an increase in cases, which are resistant to conventional antitubercular drug therapy. 5 On the other hand, in spite of toxicity on repeated dosing, isoniazid (1NH) is still considered a first-line drug for chemotherapy of tuberculosis. 6 There are two basic approaches to develop a new drug for TB: (a) synthesis of analogues and modifications are derivatives of existing compounds for shortening and improving TB treatment and (b) searching for novel structures that the TB organism has never been presented with before for the multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB.

Data were missing for some variables in the cohort: maternal age

Data were missing for some variables in the cohort: maternal age (29.7%); gestational age (33.9%); and childhood vaccinations (21.1%). We carried out a complete case analysis and analysis that included the missing data as a separate category. The results were similar in both models so we have presented AG 14699 the results with

missing data as a separate category. The analyses were restricted to cases with available social deprivation data based on the Townsend score for deprivation quintile [20], therefore excluded 12 women resident in Wales on 1st April 2012 for whom data on area of residence was missing. There were 33,601 women on the NHS AR for the study cohort and time period. Data were available for 30,882 women from the CSW and 24,351 women from the NCCHD (Fig. 1). 14,966/30,882 (48.5%) women had HPV partial or full vaccination and 14,164/30,882 (45.9%) women had attended for cervical screening. 2427/30,882 (7.9%) women had HPV partial vaccination and attended for cervical screening and 5579/30,882 (18.1%) women had HPV full vaccination and attended for cervical screening. Table 1 describes the characteristics of women according buy BI 2536 to HPV vaccine uptake. HPV vaccination status was defined as (i) full HPV vaccination with 3 or more recorded doses (n = 10,109/30,882; 32.7%); (ii) partial HPV vaccination with 1–2 doses (n = 4857/30,882; 15.7%); (iii) not HPV vaccinated

(n = 15,916/30,882; 51.5%). There was a statistically significant relationship between uptake of the HPV vaccine and social deprivation quintile (Table 1). Women from the most affluent quintile (Quintile 1) were more likely to have had partial (19.2%) or full (39.5%) HPV vaccination. Conversely women from the most deprived quintile (Quintile 5) had the highest number of women that had not been HPV vaccinated and the lowest number of women with reported partial and full HPV vaccination (59.2%, 14.4% and 26.3%, respectively). The highest proportion of women not vaccinated was observed for the groups with maternal age under 20 years and 20–24 years (55.4% and 48.7%, respectively) compared to groups whose mothers all were older and this was statistically significant (OR 0.62; 95% CI (0.56, 0.68) and OR 0.80; 95%

CI (0.75, 0.86), respectively). There was no clear relationship between gestational age and HPV vaccination. Table 2 describes the uptake of cervical screening according to characteristics of women. There was a significant relationship between uptake of cervical screening and social deprivation score. Women from the most deprived areas (Quintile 5) were less likely to have attended for cervical screening than women from the least deprived areas (Quintile 1) (41.3% compared to 50.1%, respectively; univariate OR 0.69; 95% CI (0.65, 0.75)). Women who were fully vaccinated were more likely to have attended for cervical screening than women who had not been vaccinated and this was statistically significant (55.2% compared to 38.7%, respectively, OR 0.